Free research report: Earn 1.00 CE by answering a few questions about IACC’s 2019 meeting room of the future report

The Events Industry Council’s member organisations are producing important research that provide strategic insights into the business of meetings and events.

For the fourth year in a row, IACC, a member organisation of the Events Industry Council, has released their ground-breaking report that combines research and insights into the top issues facing the global meetings and conference industry. The 2019 IACC Meeting Room of the Future™ report brings together insights from over 250 meeting planners and industry experts across 5 continents, as well as suppliers including global meeting space designers, architects, technology companies, furniture manufacturers and nutrition experts.

The report was brought to life at MPI’s World Education Congress where IACC presented the Meetings Room of the Future Showcase. Watch this video to walk through the meeting space, and learn how IACC leveraged the knowledge from the report to design a highly interactive and experiential environment.

"As the industry evolves and expands, just as meeting planners must continually evaluate all elements of the meeting experience, operators and suppliers must also ensure they are meeting and anticipating the changing needs of planners," said IACC’s CEO, Mark Cooper.

"The survey was designed to highlight these growing needs; we looked specifically at experience creation, meeting room space and design, technology and internet capabilities as well as culinary trends."

Jessie States, CMP, CMM, Director, MPI Academy with Meeting Professionals International adds "The IACC Meeting Room of the Future research initiative invites meeting professionals of all types to contemplate the why behind their learning and networking experiences in order to redesign the how of that experience delivery. Drawing on best-in-class conference facilities and industry professionals, the Meeting Room of the Future research showcases the changing dynamic of learning experience design and how that is impacting space design and layout at conference centers worldwide."


"The Meeting Room of the Future Report from IACC provides a succinct and valuable summary of trends in venue design. From the increased focus on technology and sustainability, to the emerging expectations of the next generation of meeting planners, the report is a must-read for anyone in the events industry who wants a glimpse of the future that’s already happening," said Yalmaz Siddiqui, vice president of corporate sustainability, MGM Resorts 


Click here to see a video of Murray Hall, executive chef of BMO, discussing sustainable food options for the meeting room of the future.

View the report

Complete the quiz by July 31, 2019 to receive 1.00 CE credits

Events Industry Council