Green Your Meetings with Sustainable Planning: Carbon Off-Setting

Sustainable Planning – Don’ts and Dos – 
Look to the standards on: Carbon Off-Setting

Don’t worry too much about carbon off-setting. Carbon off-setting, when managed responsibly, can be a good thing, but it can also be problematic due to issues beyond the planner’s control. Planners have enough to do, but if you have a good program in place, by all means keep it. Carbon off-setting is not required by the standards.

Do make sure that you manage everything directly under your control and influence to the best of your ability. The sustainability standards explain your responsibilities and can be accessed at If you read the standards, you’ll know what is expected, so you can manage sustainably that which you control and influence, to meet industry standards.  

CIC making it easier:  If you don’t have the time to create a management system to meet the standards, use the SMPP® found at Use the CIC50 discount code to register.


If you have a question on the Don’ts and Dos according to the standards, send it through the Contact Us form at

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