Sustainable Planning – Transparency

Sustainable Planning – Don’ts and Dos – 
Look to the standards on: Transparency

Don’t keep your sustainability policies to yourself. Planners have an obligation to be open and honest about their sustainability policies and communicate them to those involved. This is required by the standards.

Do make sure that you are as transparent as possible. Openly share your sustainability policies with all those concerned and demonstrate your transparency to stakeholders. The sustainability standards explain this and can be accessed at If you read the standards, you’ll know what is expected, so you can meet industry standards for transparency.  

CIC making it easier: If you want to be transparent so others can see your sustainability commitment using an online standardized policy and sustainability rating system, get listed in the SMPP® Directories found at Use the CIC50 discount code to register.

If you have a question on the Don’ts and Dos according to the standards, send it through the Contact Us form at

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