Update: GSA Act of 2012

As a result of efforts by CIC member ASAE, positive effects are being seen through the education of Congress and the Administration regarding the positive benefits of federal employees participating in private sector meetings.  On September 11, the House voted to pass by voice vote HR 4631, the GSA Act of 2012.  Unlike the last travel prohibition passed by voice vote in the House (the DATA Act HR 2146), this legislation would not limit the number of meetings federal employees could attend annually or require financial disclosures from the association holding the meeting.  

While HR 4631 is not perfect, the modifications made to the DATA Act were the result of associations and meeting professionals nationwide educating legislators and staff on the value of association meetings.  At this time, there is no concurrent Senate action on HR 4631 or any alternatives.
The association and meetings community continues to send the message that taxpayer money should be spent wisely, and that many of the public-private partnerships which help create good policy are advanced at association and other responsibly planned meetings.

Here's a link to the language of HR 4631: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.4631

Events Industry Council