Industry Outlook
Considering a full- or part-time freelance career in marketing? Finding assignments can be a struggle. This article will point you in the right direction. (Search Engine Journal)
Developing a compelling resume is the goal of every job seeker. This video presentation identifies key steps you can take to help ensure you have the most effective resume possible. Topics covered include tips for effectively matching your resume to the needs of a specific employer. Discover suggestions on whether a chronological, functional or targeted/hybrid is best for you.
If knowledge, experience and competency are what companies seek to hire in their senior employees, which firms do a better job of providing training and development in these areas early in an individual’s career? (Forbes)
Career Opportunities
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Frederick, MD
Cole-Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL
TCW, Los Angeles, CA
Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, SD
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Career Opportunities
Job will appear on all MCN Partner sites.
Member: $225
Non-Member: $325
Employers only.
Job will appear on all MCN Partner sites.

Member: $625
Non-Member: $975
Naylor Association Solutions
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