TEXO Onsite Newsletter
Industry NewsIndustry News

At the 10th Associated General Contractors IT Forum on August 19, tech leaders from Skanska, Mortenson, McCarthy and other firms outlined strategies to maximize investments and innovation.


Despite a 16% reduction in the pace of North Texas construction activity between January and May compared to the same five-month period last year, Dallas Fort-Worth (D-FW) is second only to New York City in the value of construction starts.


New research from consulting firm Fails Management Institute (FMI) indicates that the design-build (DB) delivery method, where an owner contracts with a single entity to perform both design and construction, is quickly gaining traction in the industry. According to the June 2018 “Design-Build Utilization” report, DB methods will represent nearly half, or 44%, of construction put-in-place (CPiP) spending across many market segments by 2021.

Rental One
Griffith Davison & Shurtleff, P. C
Harrison Steck, P.C.
What's Happening at TEXOWhat's Happening at TEXO

The eyes are a vital yet extremely sensitive and delicate organ. An eye injury can be unbelievably painful; however, the pain pales in comparison to loss of sight due to an accident. It requires only a spark, a tiny piece of metal, or a splash of chemical to cause a serious eye injury.


From Foreman to Superintendent to Project Manager…even to Estimator to Sales to Ownership; every position in your construction company needs to understand clear roles and responsibilities to achieving “No Bad Jobs!” This workshop is about lining out a strategy, executed by each contributing team member to prepare for, execute, and close-out construction projects with as minimal costs possible.


In this training we will present an overview of Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling and its uses. Participants will understand CPM concepts and the advantages of using logic to plan the work. Participants will also be exposed to common and potential reports they can use to manage the work.


Forums play an integral role in bringing TEXO members together to discuss common issues, learn new solutions, explore new opportunities, share best practices, networking and relationship building.

Baker Triangle
Member Discount ProgramsMember Discount Programs

Enterprise Fleet Management would like to offer an innovative program that drives value for every customer by including best possible pricing and special incentives on vehicle acquisition; providing a separate line of credit; creating a cycling strategy to achieve optimum performance and best resale value; all while reducing the Total Cost of Ownership. Contact Billy Backus today.

AGC of America and Willis North America are proud to offer a new, dynamic and cost-effective way for AGC member firms to offer quality health insurance and other employee benefits. The AGC Alternative is an employee benefits program built exclusively for AGC members. Recieve a quote by calling 1-800-210-5290.

Sam Pack's Chevrolet and Ford offers service discounts to TEXO members as well as additional offers. Check these TEXO specific offers out by clicking here.