September 27, 2016
In This Issue |
Upcoming Events
Industry News
Trainings & Forums
Member Discount Programs
Wednesdays, September 28, October 19 and November 16
7:00am - 3:00pm (Breakfast and Lunch provided)
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
3-series package: $1,250 total (TEXO Contractor members only)
Suggested Attendee: 10+ years' experience
**Workshop Limited to 30 Attendees**
Taught by Peter A. DeLisle, PhD, the program addresses subjects focused on successful leadership in a complex enterprise including: problem-solving, communication, conflict management, decision-making, influencing in complex environments; sustaining effective teams and professional ethics for senior members of firms seeking enhancement of their leadership capabilities. It is ideal for experienced construction leaders making transitions to increased responsibility. The successful participant will develop a personal leadership development plan to directly address individual and group needs and substantially impact their organization through their enhanced skills and abilities.
Applications due Saturday, October 1st at 5:00pm
Submit your application today to TEXO’s Young Constructor’s Council! YCC is the industry’s premier organization for emerging elite leaders. The group is made up of elite construction industry professionals whose goal is to learn about the industry, develop leadership skills, network, build relationships, and benefit from best-in-class training. Review the registration page by clicking here for guidelines and important dates!
Saturday, October 15
Silver Lake Marina, Lake Grapevine
The TEXO YCC Tailgate is combining our final Challenge Cup events, which are the Washer Tournament, Chili Cook-Off, and BBQ Cook-Off. Come and hang out with over 500 TEXO members and their families at this can't-miss event! We will have activities for kids, and heated competition at the largest TEXO event of the year!
The event will be Open to the Public for Chili & BBQ tasting, and to watch the Washer Tournament. Entry for the public is complimentary, however, we ask that you help us support the North Texas Food Bank by competing in the Company Can Food Drive Competition.
To register, sponsor, review competition rules, and find specific event times, click here!
Tuesday, October 18
1:00pm - 4:30pm
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
TEXO Members Only - $150
Whether you are holding a small meeting, or communicating with a coworker, or presenting in front of a panel of clients, you are making presentations daily. Throughout this interactive session, you will participate in skill building activities that will test your current presentation skills and help you develop new ones.
Register by clicking here!
This contest is designed to give members of the construction industry the chance to explain what a day is really like in your position. This video will be a showcase of the construction industry and the various career opportunities available. All employees of TEXO member firms are encouraged to submit! All submissions are due by October 28th.
Thursday, November 3
7:00am - 5:00pm
Grapevine Convention Center
TEXO Members, Complimentary | Non-Members $50
Join us for the 2nd Annual Construction Safety Professional's Day at the Grapevine Convention Center! Construction safety and health is vital for the success of the industry. Join industry peers for a full day of informative sessions and networking that prepares your employees for the challenges they will face on the jobsite in 2016 and beyond!
Friday, December 2- TEXO Holiday & Awards Gala, Gaylord Texan
Thursday, January 12- 2017 AIA/TEXO Economic Update, TBD
Monday, February 20- ASC Region IV Student Competition, Crowne Plaza Galleria
Friday, April 21 - Saturday, April 22- TEXO/ASA Bass Tournament, Lake Fork Marina
Monday, May 8- TEXO Golf Open, Trophy Club Country Club
Saturday, June 3- TEXO Softball Tournament, Hurst Athletic Complex
Sales are currently open in TEXO’s 2017 Membership Directory & Resource Guide as well as the Winter issue of TEXO magazine. Contractors rely on both the directory and magazine to find quality companies like yours to successfully complete their construction projects. With the DFW area continuing to grow, it is more important now than ever to brand yourself and promote your products and services to those who make the purchasing decisions. If you are interested in participating, click here to learn more or contact Will Worley, Publication Director at 352-333-3495 or We appreciate your support of TEXO and the industry!
The Annual DFW CFMA Fall Scholarship Applications are now available! Application are due October 1, 2016. Awards will include $1000 Academic Scholarships for active students plus the $500 Certificates of Award for candidates who have completed the CCIFP or CPA exam. These awards offer a great opportunity to encourage area students to participate in the construction industry or to recognize the professional development of current employees and future leaders. For more information click here!
October 26 - 27 Irving Convention Center
TEXO members get $100 off registration- use code TEXO100
The OSHA Construction Safety and Health Conference will provide an ideal forum to learn about new and ever changing safety products, processes, procedures and technology in the construction industry. Click here to learn more and register!
Wednesday, October 26
This Construction Career Day at the DFW Education Center has been organized to introduce select, local students who have shown interest in construction to the exciting opportunities in our industry. Teachers will hand-pick students who have earned their chance to attend the event. By participating in the Career Day event, companies will be able to access potential new hires, tell students the real story of working in the industry and impact their career paths and futures.
Contact Lori Purviance to Volunteer or to Sponsor! Email or call: 817-247-5719
Access the Sponsor Registration Form here!
The Contractor Development Alliance Mentor-Protégé program provides a vehicle for local M/WBE emerging entrepreneurs to partner with experienced construction businesses to enhance their business development and growth. Through successful matching of Mentors to Protégés, the program helps to expand entrepreneurs' technical, management, marketing, and others skills identified for improvement.
Access the Information & Application packet by clicking here!
Align your company with an important topic of interest! Click here for a list of all upcoming and archived ABC webinars!
The AGC of America is the voice of the construction industry. Click here for a list of all upcoming AGC events!
It seems every major daily newspaper in Texas is reporting on the many job cuts in our state's oil and gas industry. AGC of America just released "Ready to Hire Again: The 2015 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook." In summary, the 10-page report describes the growing shortage of qualified workers-especially craft workers. That's one of the reasons an industry coalition developed a new statewide workforce development website, It is designed to connect laid off workers to meaningful, well-paying jobs in the construction industry. Employers can post positions, check out industry job fairs, and take inventory of all the craft providers in Texas. To learn more about the program and website, click here.
All Applications are due electronically no later than 5pm EST on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016. Click here for the application.
Email completed application packages to Greg Sizemore, ABC VP of HS&E and Workforce Development, at with the email subject line, "2016 NSEA Application". Applications, including three years of OSHA Form 300 and OSHA Form 300A, one (1) copy of the applicant’s 2016 STEP application and answers to application questions should be included in the email. Applications that do not include all required paperwork will not be accepted. Extensions will not be granted, and applications that do not arrive by this deadline will not be considered.
Safety Superintendent Forum: October 5, 2016
Latino Superintendent Forum: October 6, 2016
11:30am - 1:00pm
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
Topic: To Be Determined
Forums play an integral role in bringing TEXO members together to discuss common issues, learn new solutions, explore new opportunities, share best practices, networking and relationship building.
Register for the Safety Superintendent Forum here!
Register for the Latino Superintendent Forum here!
October 10
8:00am - 12:00pm
TEXO Fort Worth Office (October 10)
$65 TEXO Members | $185 Non-Members
First Aid/CPR classes are taught using methods which meet or exceed the requirements by OSHA. Students who successfully complete the course will be issued a wallet card and certificate of completion.
Register for the Fort Worth class here!
English: Monday, October 10 - Tuesday, October 11
Spanish: Monday, October 17 - Tuesday, October 18
Monday 7:00am - 4:00pm; Tuesday 7:00am - 12:00pm
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
$75 per registrant
This course is available at the request of TEXO members who recognize a need to "refresh" the information communicated during their initial OSHA 30HR course. Federal OSHA does not require a refresher of the OSHA 30HR course and does not provide a refresher card. A certificate will be provided to each participant upon completion of the course.
Register for the English course by clicking here!
Register for the Spanish course by clicking here!
English: November 9, 10, 16, 17, 2016
TEXO Fort Worth Office
Spanish: December 14,15, 21, 22, 2016
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
7:00am - 3:30pm each day
$150 TEXO Members | $350 Non-Members
OSHA 30-Hour Construction safety course is intended for supervisors or for workers with some safety responsibility. It provides a greater depth and variety of training on an expanded list of topics associated with workplace hazards than the TEXO Safety First class. Topics include recognition, avoidance, abatement and prevention of safety and health hazards found in the workplace.
Register for the English class here!
Register for the Spanish Class here!
English classes are offered on Monday's and Thursday's
Spanish classes are offered on Tuesday's and Wednesday's
OSHA 10-Hour Additional Completion Hours
Offered the last Friday of the month in both English and Spanish
Click here to register for classes!
About the Program
The TEXO Safety First program is
a hands-on, interactive orientation for commercial construction
employees in all divisions so they can learn the essentials of jobsite
safety. This unique program provides an industry specific orientation in
safety which all commercial contractors can use. Endorsed by industry
leaders in the field of construction safety, during each instructional
session, participants handle the equipment they are being trained to
understand and operate. Participants also have real-time conversations
with the instructor and other class participants on the components of
each module. Learn more about TEXO Safety First.
Construction Tool Box Safety Talks are an easy way for foremen and supervisors to supplement OSHA training efforts of their company or organization and keep safety front and center in their workers' minds. Each week a new topic will be introduced for your use. Each topic is designed to heighten employee awareness of workplace hazards and OSHA regulations.
This week’s topic: Accident Prevention in Construction Work (English & Spanish)
Raymond L. Critchfield was a dedicated safety professional who impacted the construction industry through his passion, love of people, family, and friends. One of his greatest attributes was his ability to train people to recognize hazards and create a safer workplace. The Raymond L. Critchfield Scholarship Program provides scholarships to individuals pursuing or continuing a course of study in the construction health and safety profession. This program recognizes individuals for their high level of academic achievement, contribution to the profession, and intent to pursue construction careers in the discipline of construction health & safety.
This scholarship will assist the construction industry in providing trained safety professionals for the construction industry. Ensuring the success of these individuals will be essential to improving workplace safety for not only our projects, but for projects worldwide.
Monday, October 24
8:30am – 12:00pm
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
$50 TEXO Members | $100 Non-Members
This seminar is for contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, architects, engineers, bonding professionals, and other construction professionals providing goods and/or services to construction projects. Topics include identifying who is protected by statutory liens and bonds, knowing when and how to file statutory notice to protect payment rights, and finding out how contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers can protect their payment rights.
Tuesday, November 1st
11:30am - 1:00pm
TEXO Dallas Conference Center
TEXO Members Complimentary | Non-Members $15
In this talk, human resource professionals will learn the impact poorly managed conflict has on people and organizations, what peace is (and isn’t) and why it matters, the skills workplace peacemakers embody, and the business value of peace in the workplace. Join Robyn Short and learn how to you can positively impact your corporate culture and start a ripple effect of positive change in your workplace. To register, click here!
Robyn Short
The exam is offered at both the TEXO Dallas office and the TEXO Fort Worth office. If you have been approved to take the LEAN exam, please contact Lois Hamilton for more information and to schedule your exam!
exam is offered at both the TEXO Dallas office and the TEXO Fort Worth
office. If you have been approved to take the BIM exam, please contact
Lois Hamilton for more information and to schedule your exam!
December 9 - Exam
AGC of America and Willis North America are proud to offer a new, dynamic and cost-effective way for AGC member firms to offer quality health insurance and other employee benefits. The AGC Alternative is an employee benefits program built exclusively for AGC members. WATCH THIS VIDEO to learn more. Get a quote by calling us at 1-800-210-5290.
As a TEXO Member, you have access to some of the best industry deals and services available. Below are just a few highlighted Member Benefits services. To learn more visit our Member Benefits page on the TEXO Website.
You can get the best 401k on the market. 100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee, Superb Investment Options, Award Winning Customer Service, and Significant Fee Discounts. For a Free Evaluation and a Free Compliance Checkup of your current 401k, call Steve Heussner,, at 469-450-4663 or Kirk Quaschnick,, at 214-420-7152 and mention TEXO.
Through Reliant Energy’s partnerships with AGC Texas Building Branch, TEXO members receive exclusive benefits for using and promoting Reliant Energy for electric service. Learn More
Enterprise Fleet Management
As a long standing partner of AGC and ABC, Enterprise Fleet Management would like to offer an innovative program that drives value for every customer by including best possible pricing and special incentives on vehicle acquisition; providing a separate line of credit; creating a cycling strategy to achieve optimum performance and best resale value; all while reducing the Total Cost of Ownership. Enterprise Fleet Management is a full-service solution for companies with small to medium-size fleets, we leverage our relationships with all manufacturers on most makes and models of cars, light- and medium-duty trucks across North America. Enterprise Fleet Management is a part of Enterprise Holdings; a family owned company that also operates the Enterprise Rent-A-Car/Truck Rental, National Car Rental and Alamo Rent-A-Car brands. Learn more by contacting Tyler Slaughter with Enterprise Fleet today!
Enterprise Truck Rental
As a partner of the AGC, Enterprise Commercial Truck Rental would like to offer a special promotion to AGC members to save 20% on commercial truck rentals to all first time renters! Enterprise Commercial Truck provides a cost effective rental program that drives efficiency without sacrificing productivity. AGC members can rent a variety of commercial vehicles including: heavy duty pickup trucks, cargo vans, stake beds and box trucks. Learn More by contacting Blair Culley with Enterprise today!
CompGroup AGC is a registered safety group formed to administer the workers' compensation program on behalf of the members of the Texas Chapters of the AGC. They offer expert claim and loss prevention services, year-round training opportunities, on-site job inspections and other exclusive member benefits, including extensive practical safety information, workshops and special educational events.
