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2013 Graduation & Awards Banquet, Thursday, June 20
6:00 pm: Reception Buffet/Cash Bars Open; 7:30 pm: Ceremony Begins; DFW Westin Hotel, Trinity Ballroom (Esters & 114)
If you have never attended CEF’s Annual Graduation & Awards Banquet, be sure to put this on your calendar! This is a wonderful event, honoring our industry’s students who have completed their commitment of 2-4 years of craft or supervisory training at CEF. TEXO is a proud sponsor of this annual event. So, if your company has employees graduating from one of CEF’s programs, or you would like to see what CEF is all about, please contact Lori Purviance at the CEF office 972-574-5200 or for tickets or additional information.
Half of metros gain construction jobs in past year; Reed says starts sag from a year ago
Nonfarm payroll employment increased in April from a year earlier in 274 out of 372 metropolitan areas, decreased in 88 and remained unchanged in 10, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Wednesday. An AGC analysis showed that of the 339 metro areas (including divisions of larger metros) for which BLS reports construction employment, 170 had increases, 123 had decreases and 46 were stagnant. Read more
FMI 2013 NRCI 2nd Quarter Report
The NRCI index score of 60.1 for the second quarter of 2013 is the highest score for the NRCI index since its inception in Q1 2009. This isn't yet a bullish trend, but it demonstrates that the nonresidential construction market continues to push upward like the "Little Engine That Could." Read more
