A Fond Farewell

With my last day on May 31, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful USSD members that I've had the pleasure to work with these past years. Your support and committment to not only the organization but to me has been gratifying, and it is you that I will miss the most.

I'm thankful for your dedication to USSD and the industry that has allowed us to grow our membership and create valuable education programs. We certainly could not have done it without you!

I'd also like to express my sincere appreciation to those that donated to New Hope Cattle Dog Rescue of Colorado on my behalf. I wish I could thank each of you individually and to let you know how much this means to me. Your contributions will provide much needed medical care to dogs coming from some dire situations. So from me and my three rescue pups – THANK YOU!

If you'd like to stay in contact, feel free to connect with me on my LinkedIn page at linkedin.com/in/sharonapowers.

With warm regards,

Sharon Powers