NWWC Webinar Series - what's coming up in February


NWWC Webinar Series
Towards a Sustainable Water Utility

We just completed our third webinar in our series. Everyone who registered for each webinar will receive the links to access the recordings of these events. In the meantime we're excited to share what we have coming up in February.

Learn more about the series and register
Municipal utilities are stewards of the environment, but water and wastewater treatment is an energy intensive activity. Finding ways to reduce energy consumption can make huge differences in the costs of providing water and wastewater treatment, but also have immense environmental impacts, especially as we look to meet carbon emission targets.

This webinar will demonstrate ways utilities have reduced their energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. This is your chance to hear from utilities who are leading the country in this field.
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The beneficial use of biosolids is an important component of many wastewater facilities function. This session will discuss not only the regulation and best practices surrounding biosolids use, but also the importance of public messaging and perception.

Speakers will discuss the regulation of biosolids in Canada, especially in light of emerging pathogens and contaminants. Our panel will then look at how different provinces approach biosolids management and how we can work to protect the environment, while also utilizing this important resource.
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Protecting drinking water sources is an incredibly crucial step in producing clean, safe drinking water.

This session will explore different approaches to source water protection and the challenges of increased urbanization, a changing climate and creating a cooperative approach across municipal, provincial and even international borders.
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Finally we'll host our closing plenary. Plans for this session are still evolving, so watch the website for more information.


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association