Window on Water - Wastewater







Join Water Canada and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) on October 21st for the final installment of the Window on Water webinar series. During this webinar, we’ll be focusing on wastewater management and regulations.
In particular, we’re going to receive updates related to the Wastewater System Effluents Regulations (WSER). Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is proposing to amend the approval for transitional authorizations to allow some communities more time to meet the regulatory requirements. We’re also going to learn about regulatory solutions for the far north where both the climate and the remote nature of the communities continues to pose a challenge.
In addition to providing updates related to WSER, ECCC will provide an update on federal research on emerging contaminants in wastewater streams. During this update, ECCC will discuss the ecological impacts and the role of wastewater utilities in protecting the environment.
Finally, we’ll get an update on work being done to identify affordable and attainable wastewater solutions for small communities, CWWA’s advocacy work to encourage changes to the Ontario Building Code, and an update on CWWA’s Wastewater Committee activities.
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The Window on Wastewater webinar is sponsored by:


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association