Notice outlines changes in reporting requirements with respect to substances on the NPRI for 2020 and 2021


This notice sets out the requirements for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) for two individual calendar years - 2020 and 2021. Information for the 2020 calendar year must be submitted by June 1, 2021. Information for the 2021 calendar year must be submitted by June 1, 2022. Changes to reporting requirements, summarized below, are in effect as of the 2020 and 2021 calendar years.

 Changes in effect as of the 2020 calendar year

 Changes in effect as of the 2021 calendar year

Changes planned for the 2022 calendar year

Environment and Climate Change Canada intends to make changes to the reporting requirements for Part 4 and 5 substances beginning with the 2022 calendar year, including, among other changes:

More information on these changes can visit the NPRI website or contact the NPRI at:

Access the Gazette Notice at:

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association