Water Haller: Why the Window?

You should attend the Window on Ottawa. You will learn a LOT of important information that can benefit your municipality – not about what HAS happened, but about what is coming down the pike (I prefer to say coming down the "pipe"). The Window on Ottawa is core to the mission of CWWA. There. I am supposed to get to the point of my article in the first sentence or two. Done.

As much as we have enjoyed seeing the development and success of the National Conference to become THE national event for Canadian water utility professionals, we still see a tremendous importance in the Window on Ottawa. 

The "Window” is one of the best avenues for us to engage federal government departments and agencies on everything water.  What sets CWWA apart from the provincial/regional associations is our focus on the national level, and our primary purpose is to advocate for our utility sector to the federal government. Those at the Window not only hear from the federal policy makers, but these policy makers also hear from you.

We set up as one big plenary and hear from a full array of federal policy makers from Health Canada, Environment Canada, Public Safety Canada, Infrastructure Canada and anyone else working on water at a national level.  Then we open the floor for us to ask them questions.  Following the presentation, the speakers are available in a side room to answers questions and hear your concerns. 

The greatest concept of the Window is that it is forward looking. This is not so much about what policies have been released already. The purpose of the Window is to get an insight into what the feds are working on and what we can expect in the coming year or years. 

We are very proud of the program we put together at the Window. Those who attend it have always appreciated its value. We just need to figure out how to get more of your there.

 Window on Ottawa – June 3 & 4 – register now!

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association