2019 Window on Ottawa

CWWA’s Window on Ottawa is our core event. This is YOUR window into the activities of the federal government. The Window on Ottawa provides a unique opportunity to hear about new and upcoming federal legislation and initiatives that will impact the sector.

Not only is this your chance to be informed, but also to influence. The Window offers delegates access to senior government staff who are responsible for developing and implementing key programs. This is a great opportunity to ask questions specific to your utility, to raise concerns and influence the direction of these programs and policies. Our program not only includes presentations, but also allows time for delegates to interact with presenters one on one in a separate room.

This year we’re adding a Town Hall, led by our Board of Directors to discuss the Associations priorities and help us refocus on the issues and projects that matter most to our members.

This event is frequently cited by delegates as one of the best and most valuable they attend – if you haven’t attended yet, make this the year!

Visit the website for more information

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association