Water Haller: ...Cause I Love My Occupation...

If you missed the national conference in Montreal, not only did you miss an awesome event, but you also missed my singing debut.

I hadn’t planned on singing. I had my opening presentation all prepared with entrance music to be playing and the lyrics up on the screen. But of course, that’s when all the A/V crashes. No music, no projected slides. Uh-oh. Time to wing it, Water Haller! 

So I sang the chorus of this song called Vacation by the Dirty Heads, a band that my kids like:

Eh, Eh, Eh, I’m on vacation
Every single day cause I love my occupation
Eh, Eh, Eh, I’m on vacation
If you don’t like your life, then you should go and change it

Basically, I spoke about how much I love my job because I work with so many people who love their jobs. Our safe water-clean water sector is populated by dedicated professionals who care deeply about what they do. Despite the rare Walkerton or Flint black eye, we all know that 99.9% of water workers wouldn’t sleep if they thought unsafe water was going out to their community or they were harming the environment. Then the keeners join their professional associations for continual improvement …and the super keeners volunteer for the national committees and our board of directors. So this is who I interact with every single day. (Don’t get me started on my 20 years in municipal administration reporting to an elected Council! For all those still in that situation, I wish you all the patience of Job) 

So I am proud to lead an association that brings all these positive-minded professionals together to share knowledge and inspire each other to find a better way. I am proud to lead an association that advocates for community health, environment and economy. We never argue against government policy or science-based regulations, but act as the voice of the professionals to ensure such efforts are practical, effective and achievable.

Speaking of how great we all are…CWWA is excited to be a partner in the blueW.org campaign to promote municipal tap water and celebrate our water systems and workers.

As for the National Conference in Montreal:


Canadian Water and Wastewater Association