Young Water Professionals North America Chapter - Call for IWA YP Committee Members 2015-2016

The IWA YWP North America Chapter is continuing to expand its activities and network to connect with Young Water Professionals across Canada and the United States. We are therefore looking to recruit five water enthusiasts, aged 35 and under, to join the Chapter’s Management Committee this fall. This is an excellent opportunity to boost your career, to connect with your peers and to become actively involved in the water dialogue both locally and internationally.
We are currently recruiting for the following positions: 
What You Can Expect
As a Management Committee member, you will be working alongside a great group of water enthusiasts on knowledge sharing and professional development activities.
Our Chapter’s objective is to leverage academic and industry professionals to provide the skills and opportunities needed for Young Water Professionals in North America to be successful in the global landscape of the water sector. The IWA YWP NA Committee’s intention is to offer an overarching benefit by providing individuals in water and wastewater science, engineering and management a forum to discuss and learn about current and future water management concerns and support their leadership and career development skills. Specifically we aim to (1) encourage a culture of cross-sector collaboration, (2) deliver content and opportunities that are relevant to all water professionals in North America, and (3) provide opportunities for YWPs to become leaders in their area of practice.
In an effort to mobilize ambitious individuals from across North America and to emphasize the importance of cross-sector collaboration – academic, non-profit, government, and private sector – we are hoping to recruit members from across sectors and regions to join the committee.
Please email:  for more information and to join!

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association