CWWA Climate Change Award: 2015 Competition for Municipal Climate Change Adaptations

The 2015 National Water and Wastewater Conference in Whistler, B.C. will feature a new Canadian National Award for best short presentation of national interest. The inaugural theme will be "Effective Municipal Climate Change Adaptations".
The short presentation competition will consist of "Hurricane Talks": 10 min presentations that provide a quick intense look into the major features of the municipal climate change adaptation being highlighted. The content of the Hurricane Talks will include:
  1. Problem statement including an explanation of why this project happened, what the driver was to initiate it, what were your challenges and how were they overcome, how success will be measured
  2. Economic sustainability: e.g. funding, costs, benefits, lifecycle considerations, funding sustainability 
  3. Social Sustainability: e.g. social impacts and benefits, public engagement, political aspects
  4. Water, Health, and Environmental Sustainability: e.g. level of service, risk mitigation, resilience and robustness, benefits and improvements
Hurricane talks are 10 minutes long with 5 more minutes for questions and answers. Any form of presentation such as video, PowerPoint or physical props are acceptable. Challengers will present a community-based climate change adaptation that affects water, wastewater and/or stormwater.   
Each hurricane presentation will be judged by an esteemed panel for the Best Short Presentation of National Interest based on the four criteria above. 
Please send us a short abstract (50-200 words) describing your municipal climate change adaptation for consideration by the selection committee. Through this competition, you can help us showcase your innovations and give your fellow municipalities examples of effective Climate Change adaptations. Abstracts should be forwarded to Bobby Pettigrew, Chair of Conference-Climate Change Sub-committee at Bobby can also be contacted for additional information.
Since this is the inaugural year, it’s your chance to be the first name on the CWWA Climate Change Award!

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association