CTA Responds to Independent Truckers' Convoy

Last Thursday, more than 150 independent truckers descended the capitol to make their voices heard and asked the California Legislature to fix AB 5. This was not a CTA sponsored event, but the industry stands with independent truckers. 

“This is much more than a story about traffic inconveniences in downtown Sacramento on a Thursday in early September. This is a story about businessmen and businesswomen, who made a decision, in many cases 10, 15, 20 years ago or more, to invest well over $100,000 of their money into a truck and start their own business as an independent owner-operator, not an employee driver."

Read CTA's Response to the Independent Truckers' Convoy

Pictured Above: An owner operator at the Capitol during the convoy. Sticker on truck reads, "I own this truck. If AB 5 won't let me drive, roads will crumble, help us stop AB 5