Plenty To Do For Spouses/Guests At The 2018 Membership Conference

Aside from the shopping, restaurants, galleries and cafes that Cannery Row & Carmel provide, we have some fun organized events for the spouses and guests of conference attendees! At the Spouse/Guest Welcome Event of Friday, we have a great activity while these ladies catch up and make new friends. Plant Nite is invading bars and restaurants everywhere with everything you need to create a gorgeous terrarium. We’ll have someone on hand to guide you through two lively hours of creativity, drinking, snacking and laughing ‘til your cheeks hurt. You’ll be able to take home your lovely succulent heart terrarium in keeping with this year’s conference theme, The Heart of Trucking. Just remember: This isn’t your grandmother’s garden.

We also have an excursion planned for Saturday. Monterey & 17-Mile Drive Movie Tour with Lunch at Pebble Beach. Enjoy a guided tour of the Monterey Peninsula including stops along 17-Mile Drive with movie clips and motion picture trivia sure to entertain. This spectacularly scenic tour takes you through many historic sites in the Monterey area that have appeared in countless films over the years. You’ll also dine at the Legendary 19th Hole, The Tap Room, at Pebble Beach Resort where you might rub elbows with movie and sports celebrities. There is an additional $55 fee for this optional activity that includes transportation, professional tour guide and lunch. PRE-REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS REQUIRED.

For more information and registration, visit our CONFERENCE WEBPAGE.