City of San Francisco Kicks off its Large Vehicle Safety Working Group

August 2nd was the "kickoff" meeting for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s working group that will be looking into ways to promote and hopefully prevent incidents involving larger vehicles and pedestrians and cyclists. The Working Group was established by Mayor Ed Lee and is part of his Vision Zero campaign. If you recall, CTA was intimately involved in the training video that is part of the education portion of Vision Zero. A big thanks goes to CTA Past President Bob Massman and DHE who provided the DHE No Zone Trailer, truck and driver for the training video. CTA is working with the City on sharing the video with companies that operate in San Francisco. If your company delivers in the City we encourage you to share the video with your drivers. CTA is a key member of the working group which meets quarterly. For more information  contact Eric Sauer at To view the training video and or download training materials click on the following links

If you would like to download the actual video to put in your own system, you can get the files here:

The training, as a powerpoint, with worksheets can be downloaded here:
Click here for August 2nd Large Vehicle Working Group Meeting Minutes.