Register for NASSTRAC's Spring Event in Washington, D.C., on June 10-11, 2019

Register now for the Shippers Voice, NASSTRAC's spring conferene June 10th-11th in Washington, D.C. 

We’ve got a great agenda that will address important things happening in the industry that are going to have an impact on your freight in supply chain for the remainder of 2019 on into 2020.  Visit to learn more and register. 

The conference also features an opportunity to go on the Hill and meet with Congressional Representatives. Why is this important? Well we’ve talked to a lot of congressmen and one of the scary things they say is they rarely hear from shippers, so when they’re casting votes, they can operate under a “freight doesn’t vote” mindset

That’s a major reason why a lot of issues that are important to shippers rarely get addressed. 

Well NASSTRAC wants to change that.  We’ve partnered with our friends from the Transportation Intermediaries  Association or TIA, and we’re going to take the opportunity to meet with these representatives while we’re in D.C. and help them understand which issues are important to our business and why

We need YOU join us.  Make plans now to join NASSTRAC on June 10-11 for the Shippers Voice in Washington D.C..

Register today at