The Year of the Member by Rick Blasgen


Direct Connection by Rick Blasgen | From the Quarter 1 2018, Issue of Supply Chain Quarterly

The new year is off to an exciting start!

We have designated 2018 as "the year of the member" as we refocus our efforts on providing value to the individuals who are central to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals' (CSCMP) community. CSCMP is working hard to keep pace with the ever-changing supply chain field and is focused on making sure our members are ready to face the challenges ahead.

Our members come to us at every stage in their professional development, and each one of them has his or her own unique needs. CSCMP strives to serve them all.

If you are a student at the beginning of your career journey looking to network, check out our Mentorship Program and Career Center. If you are a new manager looking to develop leadership skills, look into volunteering with your local roundtable. If you are a young professional seeking credentials to secure a promotion, consider our SCProTM Certification. And if you are a senior leader looking to pay it forward, think about speaking at one of our conferences and events, writing an article for one of our publications, or mentoring one of our Young Professional members.

In that same vein, we are working with volunteers and partners to keep our annual global conference, CSCMP EDGE, on the cutting edge of the industry's thought leadership and best practices. The 2018 conference is set to take place in Nashville, Tennessee, from September 30 through October 3, and we are on pace to have a record-breaking year. EDGE is already tracking better than it has in almost a decade in registrations, sponsorships, and exhibitors.


CSCMP has refocused its efforts on providing

value to all of our members, offering many

opportunities for professional development.


This year at EDGE, for the first time ever, supply chain practitioners will be able to access leading academics during a live review session as preparation to sit for the SCProTM Bridge exam, which will be administered at the EDGE conference on Monday afternoon. The SCProTM Bridge exam allows professionals who are credentialed with another industry certification, to take an abbreviated version of the SCProTM Level 1 Certification exam. Candidates who pass the SCProTM Bridge exam receive the SCProTM 1 designation and are able to progress to SCProTM Level 2.

Don't miss out on all of these opportunities to be at the cutting edge of supply chain thought leadership! Make sure you register early for CSCMP EDGE and take advantage of a US$300 discount off your registration with the code EDGE18-SCQ. (This offer is only valid for professional members and expires June 30, 2018, at midnight. Other restrictions apply.)