Engaging in Public Policy: Hill Day 2017

Engaging in Public Policy
by Eric Bergman, RN, CCM, Vice-Chair CMSA National PPC

Each year, CMSA hosts a "Hill Day" where we organize legislative visits and assist members to educate their congressional representatives on professional case management. This year, it will be on September 13 - 14, 2017. CMSA members from chapters across the nation will join in Washington for the annual event which will include a preparatory meeting the night before and the next day, canvassing the Hill to support legislation that is important to professional case managers.

For a number of years, Connie Sunderhaus – a former member of CMSA’s Public Policy leadership – has worked to develop a relationship with her congressman. She has participated in the CMSA Hill Day and public policy advocacy for CMSA, and she has a group of issues and organizations she cares about in her neighborhood in the western suburbs of Chicago. Connie has taken opportunities to meet with her congressman and his staff when they attend local events or hold meetings in the district. She has done this based on her personal interests, by supporting groups and activities she cares about. In this way, she has gradually gotten to know her congressman and members of his staff.

In the weeks preceding CMSA’s Hill Day, Connie had incrementally built the case for important legislation supported by CMSA over several brief conversations when she saw the congressman or his staff at events. They were also receiving messages from other case managers and professional organizations encouraging support for this important legislation. Eventually, they had heard enough that they looked closely at the legislation and decided to support it.

Every day, people go to Washington and to local leaders to urge support for issues important to them. Some of those people are highly paid lobbyists who spend their professional life doing such work, and some are ordinary citizens who have an issue they feel strongly about. Most meet with the leaders’ staff. The staff filters the noise to help the leaders focus on the core issues they will support and champion. Your position as a professional case manager makes you uniquely qualified to speak on issues important to case management, patients/clients being served and healthcare. Our representatives need this kind of straightforward, educated information to consider passing the best legislation possible.

During Hill Day this year, the CMSA will focus attention on a small number of issues, especially one protecting our professional practice, by presenting and urging support for our newly revised "Case Management Model Act." The model act is not a bill in Congress yet, but is language CMSA has written to provide lawmakers with wording that can be used in federal or state legislation. It is designed to ensure that care coordination and case management are clearly defined to ensure case management is provided by licensed, qualified healthcare professionals who abide by a core set of standards.

Walking the halls of Congress is a fascinating and uniquely American experience. Ordinary citizens are not only able, but invited to walk the halls of Congress and directly meet and educate our congressional leaders. It is not uncommon to pass congressmen/congresswomen and senators in the halls as they move from meeting to meeting or go to the floor for a vote. The offices are open and staffed by people who spend their days meeting with constituents in person or by phone. This is our representative democracy in action, and you can help strengthen it by participating.

Consider joining fellow professional case managers as we walk the halls of Congress together on September 13 - 14. We will help you to take the first steps in building relationships that might allow you to influence the laws to regulate our profession, and provide you with the tools to return to your chapter ready to help other members participate with you. To learn more and join fellow professional case managers on the CMSA Hill Day event, register at the link below.

One of the roles of a professional case manager is to advocate. Now is the time to advocate for the clients we serve and our profession. We look forward to your participation in the Hill Day and other public policy activities throughout the year.

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