Assessing the Efficacy of Medical Management Systems

By Pat Stricker, RN, M Ed
SVP of Clinical Services
TCS Healthcare Technologies

In order to offer effective medical management programs, case managers need to be aware of key health care trends, features, and functions. It is difficult to keep up with the expanding symbiotic interface between technology and care management workflow processes, but it essential to try to do so.

It is imperative that case mangers understand how technology solutions can improve the case management process and patient outcomes. They also need to be cognizant of situations where technology is not meeting baseline expectations. In either situation, they need to do everything they can to encourage their organization to keep up with technology trends that really make a difference.

In most, case managers do not have the ability to determine which systems their employers choose to use, however if you are one of the lucky few who are asked to make those types of decisions or provide input, you need to be knowledgeable of the types of applications, features, and functions that are available, so you can give meaningful input and suggestions.

There are five key IT attributes that case managers should keep in mind when assessing the efficacy of medical management systems:

In this new age of technology transformation, monitoring technology trends is more important than ever, so that when you get a chance to provide input into the types of systems, features, and functions that are needed for your organization, you will know what is available and be able to provide sound, innovative suggestions. If you aren’t sure if something is available, ask! Put together a "wish list" and make sure the vendor can provide your key, essential functionality or keep looking until you find someone that can.

To contact Pat Stricker:

Email her at  or reach her at (530) 886-1700 ext. 215.