Patients Taking Center Stage in New Research Initiatives

By Pat Stricker, RN, MEd
SVP of Clinical Services
TCS Healthcare Technologies

Case managers fully understand the importance of empowering patients to become more engaged in their own health.  However, it is wonderful to see that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is also supporting this concept.

For example, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), founded in 2010 as an independent, non-profit organization, was chosen by PPACA to "evaluate and compare health outcomes and the clinical effectiveness, risks, and benefits of medical treatments, services, procedures, drugs, and other strategies or items that treat, manage, diagnose, or prevent illness or injury."  In its mission statement, PCORI states that it seeks to "fund research that will provide patients, their caregivers and clinicians with evidence-based information needed to make better informed health care decisions."

Last month, the Case Manager Society of America (CMSA) sponsored a PCORI session at its annual Public Policy Summit on Capitol Hill.  During the presentation, Dr. Joe Selby, PCORI’s Executive Director, gave an overview of the Institute, its priorities, and the type of research PCORI is conducting. In keeping with its mission of patient-centeredness, Dr. Selby noted that patients should be at the heart of the research "from planning to publication."  Consequently, PCORI approved funding for 50 pilot projects that will focus on how to improve methods for engaging patients in the research and communicating the results to patients in terms they can understand. Patients and other stakeholders have also been asked to participate as panel reviewers.

Dr. Selby explained that PCORI is looking to fund research that examines the prognosis or predicted outcomes of different types of care; the treatment options available to patients, including the benefits and potential disadvantages of those options; potential behavioral effects on patients; and the importance of these outcomes to the overall health care system.  He outlined nine criteria used to evaluate the research projects:

Based on the above mentioned criteria, the research priorities for PCORI are:

  1. The assessment of prevention, screening and treatment options
  2. The improvement of health care systems
  3. The communication and dissemination of research to patients
  4. The fairness and attention to disparities within the health care system
  5. Accelerating patient-centered research

With a budget of $500 million a year, PCORI’s task of funding patient-centered research is extraordinary and has the potential to make huge strides in the delivery and effectiveness of health care.  However, it remains to be seen how PCORI will be impacted by the upcoming Supreme Court decision concerning the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. No matter what, it looks like research into patient-centered care is here to stay.  This is a topic that case managers should continue to track closely.

To find additional information about funding opportunities available at PCORI, please click here

To contact Pat Stricker:

Email her at or reach her by phone at (530) 886-1700 ext. 215.