
Now is the time to invest in you and your professional development. Opportunities abound at CMSA to learn about new trends and topics in case management and to sharpen your skillset for what lies ahead.
CMSA ANNUAL CONFERENCE – DIGITAL EDITION 24/7 Access Through July 31 Did you know that you can still attend the CMSA Annual Conference – digitally – and earn over 60 continuing education credits? Being unable to make it to Providence for #CMSA2024, doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the premier case management event of the year! Register for our digital component, designed to bring our unparalleled education directly to you with 60+ hours of CEs from the comfort of your home or office. Reduced rate for Members. REGISTER TO GET STARTED LEARNING & EARNING
New! VIRTUAL COST OF POVERTY EXPERIENCE June 27, 2024, Virtual Virtual Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) is an interactive virtual simulation that helps participants better understand the lived realities of poverty and SDOH, learn from people making the journey out of poverty, and become a change-maker in their organization. This interactive ninety (90)-minute experience combines trivia, simulation, and group discussion and debriefing. Reduced rate for Members. SPACE IS LIMITED – SECURE YOUR SPOT TODAY
CMSA CASE MANAGEMENT BOOT CAMP September 20-22, 2024, in Nashville, TN The CMSA CM Bootcamp is geared towards case managers looking to build their skills and experience. This program will provide an immersive and focused opportunity to grow and enhance the novice case manager’s skills through a three-part structure. If you have been a case manager for five years or less, are looking to change your area of practice, or advance your professional growth, this course is for you! Reduced rate for Members. GET READY TO JUMP START YOUR CAREER
CMSA Integrated Case Management Training Program October 22-24, 2024, Virtual CMSA's ICM program provides multiple strategies to engage clients, stratify risk, and develop care plans to mitigate risk and help clients achieve improved health and well-being. Addressing the whole person and their physical, behavioral, and social health and needs is essential for positive health outcomes and cost-effective care. This course will provide out-of-box strategies to reduce the risks contributing to complexity. Reduced rate for Members. ENHANCE YOUR SKILLSET FOR WHOLE PERSON CARE
comMIt: comprehensive Motivational Interviewing training for Health Care Professionals 24/7 Access This program is centered around motivational interviewing which is an evidenced-based effective method for improving adherence to health behaviors. It was developed specifically for patients who are either ambivalent or resistant to change regarding these health behaviors. This program recognizes the unique training needs and time restraints of health care professionals. AND … it is acronym-free!!! Reduced rate for Members. IMPROVE ADHERENCE TO HEALTH BEHAVIORS
Be sure to visit www.cmsa.org to find out even more opportunities for professional development and growth.
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Free to members!
Ethical Considerations in Surrogate Decision Making: Family Meeting Guide
Thursday, June 20 at 2 p.m. Eastern
Pre-Approved CEs: 1 Hour RN, SW, and CCM ETHICS
Professional case managers must understand key terms like gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender expression to enhance health equity, not just during Pride Month, but year-round.
Incorporating ethical principles and guidelines, case managers can promote inclusivity and address significant health disparities affecting the LGBTQ+ community.
This presentation will offer effective communication strategies and proven care coordination techniques to meet the comprehensive physical, behavioral, and social health needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Presenter: Michael B. Garrett, MS, CCM, CVE
$40 for non-members.
Virtual Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE)
Thursday, June 27 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Eastern
Pre-Approved CEs: 1.5 Hour RN, SW, and CCM
Join us for an immersive virtual experience where you will step into the shoes of individuals navigating poverty, make tough decisions and learn firsthand about the social determinants of health (SDOH).
Through interactive simulation and group discussions, deepen your understanding of health inequities and become a change-maker in your organization. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your perspective and make a difference!
This is a live presentation only. $25 for Members. $50 for Non-members.
Life Care Planning 101
Tuesday, July 16 at 1 p.m. Eastern
Pre-Approved CEs: 1 Hr RN, SW, CCM
This program will provide a basic introduction to life care planning by exploring the scientific process utilized to develop a life care plan and its multiple categories of need, utilize the nursing process in the development and support of their care plans.
We will review the types of injuries or conditions that warrant life care plans, the distinction between acute care planning that occurs in case management and the long-term planning including aging’s impact on disability when developing a life care plan.
Two case examples will demonstrate the differences in care plans developed from the plaintiff or injured party versus the defense.
Presenters: Erin T. OConnell, MSN-RN, MBA, LCP-C, CNLCP, MSCC, CCM Liz Holakiewicz, BSN, RN, CNLCP, CCM Free to Members and Non-Members!
Enhancing Case Managers' Understanding of Blood Transfusion: A Comprehensive Overview
Monday, July 22 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern
Pre-Approved CEs: 1 Hr RN, CCM
In today’s healthcare landscape, case managers are crucial in ensuring optimal patient care and outcomes. This session will equip you with essential knowledge about blood transfusion, empowering you to navigate challenges and enhance patient experiences.
AABB Standards: Learn about the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) accreditation and standards that ensure quality and safety in transfusion medicine.
Blood Transfusion Insights: Focus on bedside care and risk mitigation strategies. Identify key indicators and complications to proactively address patient needs.
Valuable Resources: Access the AABB 2023 Red Blood Cell Transfusion International Guidelines and Blood Component Cards to aid in understanding clinical use and infusion information.
Policies on Blood Donation and Vaccination: Understand the importance of these policies in informed consent, patient care, and safety.
This session promises to be a comprehensive exploration of blood transfusion essentials, equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to optimize patient outcomes and ensure quality care delivery.
Presenters: Claudia Cohn, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, AABB Karen Palmer, MT, CQA, Director of Regulatory Affairs, AABB Susan Leppke, MPH, Sr Director of Public Policy & Strategic Partnerships, AABB
Free to Members and Non-Members!
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We're so glad you've joined our case management community, where you will find support from your peers and a team dedicated to promoting the practice of case management. Free pre-approved CEs, in-depth training, downloadable documents, professional publications, leadership and networking opportunities are the next step in advancing your career. Maximize your membership by tapping into your local chapter and utilizing your member benefits HERE.
Did you spot the CMSA Foundation Board and Volunteers sporting those vibrant tie-dye shirts at the CMSA Annual Conference? Many of you asked how to get one, and we're excited to announce that the ordering site is now open! This is your chance to snag one of these limited-edition shirts while supporting a great cause.
Why Support the CMSA Foundation? The Case Management Society of America Foundation (CMSA Foundation) is dedicated to enhancing the practice of case management through research and process improvement. Our mission is to develop a library of best practices and outcomes that case managers can use to demonstrate their value and impact. Your support helps us fund these critical initiatives and expand our resources for CMSA members.
How to Order Price: $32 Deadline: July 18 Purpose: Proceeds go directly to the CMSA Foundation to support ongoing and future projects.
Your purchase not only gets you a stylish tie-dye shirt but also helps advance the field of case management. Don’t miss this limited opportunity to show your support and wear your pride!
Order your shirt today and contribute to a brighter future for case management!
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The conference issue of CMSA Today is all about AI! Dive into "The AI Issue" to explore how emerging technologies and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing healthcare and case management. Discover how AI can enhance efficiency, accuracy, and personalized care while navigating the ethical challenges and data security concerns. As case managers, let's pioneer a future where technology amplifies our expertise and human-centric approach, ensuring unparalleled care for our clients. From predictive analytics to telehealth, this issue covers it all:
"Understanding The Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Professional CASE Management Practice" by Michael B. Garrett, MS, CCM, CVE
"Artificial Intelligence in Case Management: Benefits and Precautions" by Sandra Zawalski, MSN, RN, CRRN, CCM, ABDA, MSCC
"CMSA Continues to Focus on EPIC Goals" Association News
"Navigating the Future: The Intersection of Emerging Technologies, AI and Professional Case Management" by Colleen Morley-Grabowski, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM
New issues post first on cmsatoday.com, plus new articles post each week, so visit regularly for fresh content on current case management trends.
CMSA blogs are written and contributed by a broad range of authors, from board directors and industry partners to working case managers and recent retirees. Find every perspective on the CMSA Blog, Mondays and Thursdays each week!
"Rights? What Rights?" by Paul Borja, PhD, DNP, EdD, MBA, PHN, RN, CCM, ACM-RN, CMAC, CMGT-BC, CNML, FACDONA, FAACM
"Men’s Health Week 2024: Empowering Men to Prioritize Wellness" by Colleen Morley-Grabowski, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM
"How to Responsibly Implement AI in Healthcare: Enhancing Prior Authorization Claims Assessments" by Akanksha Karwar, MPH
"An Extraordinary Journey" by Colleen Morley-Grabowski, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM
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We are thrilled to congratulate the Mid-West CMSA Education Coalition on winning the Award of Excellence for Chapter Educational Program at the 2024 CMSA Annual Conference! This recognition highlights the outstanding efforts and collaborative spirit of the Coalition in revitalizing educational opportunities for their members.
At the 2023 National Conference, seven chapters including CICMSA, Springfield, Cleveland Chapter of CMSA, Madison Wisconsin, Southern Ohio Valley Chapter, Fort Wayne, and Chicago, met and discussed forming a Coalition, inspired by the successful North-East Coalition.
The Mid-West CMSA Education Coalition worked diligently to develop a coordinated plan of action, focusing on enhancing chapter education. Through their collaborative efforts, they achieved remarkable success in their first year, organizing ZOOM educational meetings that fostered networking and increased member participation. This initiative not only revitalized member engagement but also attracted sponsors, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the chapters.
We applaud the Mid-West CMSA Education Coalition for their innovative approach and dedication to advancing case management education. Their success serves as an inspiration to all CMSA chapters, demonstrating the power of collaboration and shared purpose.
Congratulations to all the chapter leaders and members involved in this extraordinary achievement! Your hard work and commitment have truly made a difference, and we look forward to seeing your continued success in the years to come.
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Jun 2024
Stay informed about upcoming chapter events, both in your area and virtual events around the country!
Sep 2024
Explore ethical practices, healthcare reimbursement, versatile skill sets, communication techniques, and more, earning 19.5 RN, SW, and CCM CEs over 2.5 days of in-person instruction, September 20-22. Start strong in case management, learn about other CM practice areas, or get back to basics.
Oct 2024
#CMWeek2024 is October 13-19 — Save the Date! CMSA is already gearing up to celebrate YOU! Stay tuned for networking and educational opportunities galore!
Oct 2024
Elevate Your Case Management Skills with CMSA's ICM Training! Registration is NOW OPEN for our Fall Integrated Case Management (ICM) Training, October 22-24. Earn 28.5 RN, SW, CCM CEs!
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