It is with a very heavy heart I tell you that our good friend and longtime CMSA leader, Margaret “Peggy” Leonard, passed away on Sunday morning, September 15. If you attended our June conference in Las Vegas at the Mirage, you enjoyed seeing her surprise when the CMSA Foundation leaders called her up to the stage to accept a plaque for her commitment to the support of case managers through the Foundation. Her work with our Foundation was only the tip of the iceberg. Peggy was a Past National President, National Case Manager of the Year and recipient of our National Lifetime Achievement Award. She was a leader and founder of several of the New York CMSA Chapters, an active public policy committee chair emeritus and a staunch advocate of the CMSA Foundation.
On Thursday, September 26 11:00 AM CST join Charlie White, CPHQ for CMSA's CM Spotlight Webinar Series for September on "Building Trust so that Relationships Work."
Our healthcare system continues to change and transform at a turbulent pace. As a case management professional, you will need to have the ability to quickly respond to the needs of your organization, individuals being cared for, and other community partners and stakeholders. Developing trusting relationships is a key strategy for reducing conflict, improving efficiency, and strengthening emotional intelligence.
CE's: 1 hour CE Nursing, CCM
Register today!
CMSA is conducting its seventh comprehensive survey of its membership to assess the state of the case management industry, and we need YOU to participate!
All survey participants will be entered in a drawing to win a complimentary seat to our MI-Learning course! There are 5 chances to win. Don't miss out; the deadline is October 14.
Start the survey at the link!

Mark your calendars: it's time to start planning your National Case Management Week celebrations!
In October 2019, the Case Management Society of America and the greater case management community celebrate National Case Management Week, a time to honor and recognize all professional case managers across the continuum of care. Case management has been practiced for over half of a century, and through that period we have assisted our patients and our clients in developing their plans to move to wellness. And as you support your patients, CMSA supports you.
Explore our 2019 CM Week page for guides, products and other resources to help you celebrate the case management industry and spread the word about Case Management Week! Also, connect with other participants on the National Case Management Facebook page at where you can share, brainstorm and collaborate about the week’s activities.
Your celebrations will not only promote the industry of case management, but will also show the case managers with who you work how much they're appreciated!
Order your CM Week products by September 23, 2019 to ensure receipt.
Join us on October 23 at 2:00 PM EST/1:00 PM CDT for a sponsored webinar : "Conducting Wheelchair Transportation Assessments (CWTA)" from National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) with featured speakers Andy Ghillyer, Ph.D. Director, Education & Training, NMEDA and Darren Reaume, National Training Manager, Q'Straint.
A professional training opportunity designed for healthcare professionals to learn how to identify and refer their patients to appropriate vehicle modification resources for wheelchair and scooter access and tie-downs.
Learn more and register today!
CMSA's 2020 National Board of Directors nominations period is now through October 31!
CMSA is a not-for-profit Section 501(c)(6) professional society that is governed by an elected Board of Directors, supported by appointed Task Forces, and staffed by a professional association management company. In keeping with its mission "to promote the individual and collective professional development of health care case managers," future leaders will join a team of visionary leaders and dedicated professionals who are setting the pace with case management practice and health policy in today's healthcare environment.
Future leaders possess the necessary competencies and professional literacies as well as the commitment and dedication to drive visionary thinking. If the expectations duty described in the position descriptions match your desire to lead and you meet the requirements of the office, we encourage you to take the next step towards national leadership! Learn more and submit your nomination at the link.
Offering 1.0 hour of credit for CCMC, ACCME, AAPA, AANP, ACPE, and ANCC credits
Recent years have brought many updates in the world of asthma. But what does this mean for your patients? Stream this CE-accredited webcast to hear from the experts how you and your team can apply the latest advances in personalized asthma treatment and patient-centered care. Case-based content will allow you to exercise your problem-solving skills for complex patients with moderate-to-severe asthma while picking up some new pointers to ensure that your patients have access to the right therapy at the right time. This activity is provided by PRIME Education. There is no fee to participate. This activity is supported by an educational grant from Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.
CMSA is proud to announce a call for volunteers for CMSA committees. Any CMSA member is invited to apply for the committees by September 30.
The committees that have positions available for the term of 2019-2020 are:
- Awards - Bylaws - Membership - Sub Committee Company Membership Engagement - Public Policy
This is a great way to get involved with CMSA National! For more information and to apply visit the link below.
CMSA Foundation invites you to view this month’s activity highlights and special recognition. Learn more about how members are supporting members!
Through its representation, advocacy and education functions, the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) has been an organizing force setting the practice direction for the discipline of case management. CMSA promotes practice that is evidence-based and discourages the use of practices which, though popular or widely accepted, are either not beneficial or are contrary to the CMSA Standards of Practice for Case Management (SoP). While the increasing emphasis on care coordination by providers and payers has opened professional debate regarding the models being used in hospitals today, CMSA intends to clarify its position on hospital case management practice through this white paper initiative and urges hospital leaders to seek solutions that more effectively address the needs of our most vulnerable hospitalized patients.
This white paper has been in the works for almost two years through the work of a CMSA task force. The accumulation of their work is ready to share!
This white paper is FREE to Members. Non-Members may purchase for $25.00
CMSA and CCMC are working together to continue advancing professional case managers in their career paths. CMSA members receive a 20% discount when applying for the CCM, as well as upon renewal. Those who hold the CCM certification receive a 20% discount for CMSA membership. If you have questions about how to take advantage of your new member benefit, please contact CMSA Client Services at or 501-225-2229.

Download CMSA's Standards of Practice for Case Management, 2016 revision, which provides practice guidelines for the case management industry and its diverse stakeholders. The impetus for the 2016 revision of the Standards is the need to emphasize the professional nature of the practice and role of the case manager.
The 2016 Standards contain information about case management including an updated definition, practice settings, roles and responsibilities, case management process, philosophy and guiding principles, as well as the standards and how they are demonstrated.
Download Your Copy
CMSA is pleased to announce a partnership with Bruce Berger, PhD, of Berger Consulting, LLC to bring you comMIt: Comprehensive Motivational Interviewing Training for Health Care Professionals at a discounted price. This 8-hour online program is centered around motivational interviewing, which is an evidence-based effective method for improving adherence to health behaviors. It was developed specifically for patients who are either ambivalent or resistant to change regarding these health behaviors. CMSA has really listened to your requests for a practical motivational interviewing course targeted at healthcare professionals and their needs. We are thrilled to bring you an accredited course developed by the foremost authorities of MI in healthcare, Drs. Bruce Berger and William Villaume. There is a limited number of seats for this program, accessible to CMSA members only, so you'll want to act soon! Click below to explore more information and register.
Pat Stricker, RN, M Ed, Senior Vice President, TCS Healthcare Technologies
Selecting and implementing a new electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR) is a huge project for any organization. These are large systems used throughout the organization with detailed information about the patient and their treatment. They are integral to the daily operations of the organization, so organizations must think carefully about exactly what they need and be sure the system will help them achieve their organizational mission and goals. They also need to choose the right vendor – one that aligns with their organizational goals and strategies, is willing to be a “partner” with the client, and has a good reputation for successfully completing implementations and launching the system as promised and on-time.
While the terms EMR and EHR are often used interchangeably, there are differences according to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
by Veronica Chepak, MPA, BSN, RN
The quest to finding confidence has been a long-complicated journey. When I was asked to write about confidence, the shy eight-year-old inside of me jumped for joy. I was not born with innate confidence. My confidence developed over time with experience and some introspection. As a young child and even as a young adult, I was quiet, shy and very unsure of myself. Some of it was because even though I had been born in the United States, English was not my first language. I learned to speak English in school, and I spoke with an accent. I was painfully shy and was self-conscious about standing out or speaking in front of others. We moved frequently to accommodate my father’s job. We had moved four times before I was in 6th grade. The shyness and self-conscious at times became paralyzing. You may wonder, what changed? Rest assured; it wasn’t a sudden moment of epiphany. It was a slow, gradual progression of events and experiences in which I learned and developed my skills and a strong belief in myself.
It’s Now Easier to Compare Coverage Options and Shop for Medicare Health and Drug Plans
For the first time in a decade, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on August 27th launched a modernized and redesigned Medicare Plan Finder. The Medicare Plan Finder, the most used tool on, allows users to shop and compare Medicare Advantage and Part D plans. There are more than 60 million people with Medicare coverage. The updated Medicare Plan Finder also provides them and their caregivers with a personalized experience through a mobile friendly and easy-to-read design that will help them learn about different options and select coverage that best meets their health needs. The new Plan Finder walks users through the Medicare Advantage and Part D enrollment process from start to finish and allows people to view and compare many of the supplemental benefits that Medicare Advantage plans offer.
Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMSA Today™—the official magazine of the Case Management Society of America—is the magazine for case managers. We are committed to providing case management knowledge, perspectives and news to case managers in all sectors of the profession. To facilitate that mission, we accept and consider:
- Original articles written by case managers of all healthcare backgrounds;
- Expertly prepared articles from professional writers—whether medical writers or experienced generalists—on case management topics;
- Feature articles, column material, and news about case management trends and issues, as well as about CMSA chapters and their activities;
- and personal, member-generated items considered nontraditional for a professional-association publication as poems, remembrances and similar sorts of content.
Consider sharing your knowledge by writing and submitting an article! Click below to learn more. Learn More
Save the date for CMSA's 30th Annual Conference & Expo in Boston, June 28 - July 3, 2020. Look for additional upcoming updates this summer on the call for presentations, accommodations and registration.