Today at 11a CST, join CMSA National President Jose Alejandro for member updates. He will introduce you to CMSA’s new webinar series that will highlight different aspects of the case management industry. In addition, he will provide updates on what’s new in your professional association, resources available to you as a CMSA member and upcoming deadlines for CMSA programs.
Don’t miss this important information! Register today at the link below; have your user name and password ready to log in and complete your registration. If you run into issues, please contact or call 501-225-2229 for assistance.
Also, please note the CMSA office is closed Saturday, December 22 through Tuesday, January 1. We will re-open to serve you on Wednesday, January 2. Happy Holidays!
This holiday season, CMSA has a great offer for you on two of our best programs! The question isn't which one will you choose; the question is, what are you waiting for?
CMSA Standards of Professional Case Management Practice Are you new to case management? Do you have staff that are inexperienced in case management? Do you need standardized, onboarding course for your case management department? We have the answer for you: CMSA’s Standards of Professional Case Management Program course is the perfect answer for anyone who wants to enhance their career to the next level. For a limited time, this 32 hour online course is available to CMSA members for $199* (usually $360). Earn your CE’s for RN, SW, and CCM. You must register by Dec. 31, 2018 to take advantage of the discount. Learn More
comMIt: Comprehensive Motivational Interviewing Training for Health Care Professionals Looking to improve your skills to collaboratively communicate with your clients? Look no further than ComMIT by Dr. Bruce Berger: Motivational Interviewing promotes client engagement, health literacy, self-management, and improved health outcomes. This program is an effective method for improving adherence to health behaviors for patients who are either ambivalent or resistant to change. For a limited time this 8-hour online course is available to CMSA members for $90* (usually $120). Earn your CE’s for RN, SW, CCM. You must register by Dec. 31, 2018 to take advantage of the discount. Learn More
Is CMSA's 2019 Annual Conference & Expo in Las Vegas on your wish list for the holidays? We hope so!
Schedule and sessions detail is now available, in addition to information on our three fantastic keynote speakers.
Put CMSA Annual on your shiny new 2019 calendar; explore sessions and register today at!
Building on the success of and, PRIME, in partnership with the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) and the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP), are pleased to announce the launch of, a new online-tethered tool to facilitate shared decision making and help guide critical conversations between patients receiving care for high cholesterol and the clinicians delivering it. Accessed from the same landing page and requiring no download, patient-focused CarePath and provider-focused CareNavigator help align preferences and goals, ensuring that patients and their providers are on the same page to help improve the patient experience and outcomes. These online tools are also designed to help simplify the process of navigating increasingly complex health insurance requirements for both patients and providers by offering specific tips to avoid unnecessary delays in treatment. In addition, patients can print a customized “CareGuide” to take with them to their medical appointments. The CareGuide, which includes a list of the patient’s preferences, key concerns, and questions, serves as an important resource and reference tool when patients are deciding on a care plan with their providers.
The nominations period is now open for our CMSA awards program! This program was established to pay special tribute to those individuals who have demonstrated distinguished service to the case management profession.
A primary goal of the awards program is to inform members of the case management profession, other health professionals, government officials and the public of the outstanding accomplishments and significant achievements of individual case managers in the delivery of healthcare. In addition, the awards program assists the public in gaining a better understanding of the role of case management and its significant contribution to the delivery of healthcare.
Learn more and nominate yourself or a colleague at But first, head over to view a short video featuring our recent award winners!
CMSA and CCMC are working together to continue advancing professional case managers in their career paths. CMSA members receive a 20 percent discount when applying for the CCM, as well as upon renewal. Those who hold the CCM certification receive a 20 percent discount for CMSA membership. If you have questions about how to take advantage of your new member benefit, please contact CMSA Client Services at or 501-225-2229.
CMSA is proud to to announce that there is now a discounted rate for retired members who are no longer working but would like to remain active as a member. Remaining active will allow one to stay current on industry trends, remain connected to their local chapter network, or even mentor new case managers in their careers. The requirements are as follows: - Must have been a CMSA member for at least 3 consecutive years. - Must be a minimum of sixty-five (65) years of age. - Must be permanently retired (may not be employed by a company that is classified as a contract or consultant). Please note: this discount cannot be combined with any other CMSA discount. To be considered for the discount, please click below to access the retiree form and submit it to CMSA.
 CMSA is pleased to announce a partnership with Bruce Berger, PhD, of Berger Consulting, LLC to bring you comMIt: Comprehensive Motivational Interviewing Training for Health Care Professionals at a discounted price. This 8-hour online program is centered around motivational interviewing, which is an evidence-based effective method for improving adherence to health behaviors. It was developed specifically for patients who are either ambivalent or resistant to change regarding these health behaviors.
CMSA has really listened to your requests for a practical motivational interviewing course targeted at healthcare professionals and their needs. We are thrilled to bring you an accredited course developed by the foremost authorities of MI in healthcare, Drs. Bruce Berger and William Villaume.
There are a limited number of seats for this program, accessible to CMSA members only, so you'll want to act soon! Click below to explore more information and register.
Developed by Pfizer, ArchiTools offers a comprehensive grouping of information and resources such as interactive training modules, actionable tools that members can download and use with patients, annotated articles, and a robust set of relevant external links specifically for case managers.
Members: Access your benefit today! Enter casear71 in the account code field.

Download CMSA's Standards of Practice for Case Management, 2016 revision, which provides practice guidelines for the case management industry and its diverse stakeholders.The impetus for the 2016 revision of the Standards is the need to emphasize the professional nature of the practice and role of the case manager.
The 2016 Standards contain information about case management including an updated definition, practice settings, roles and responsibilities, case management process, philosophy and guiding principles, as well as the standards and how they are demonstrated.
Download Your Copy
Pat Stricker, RN, M Ed, SVP, Clinical Services, TCS Healthcare Technologies
Last month’s newsletter article, Reducing Adverse Events in Post-discharge Transitions of Care Programs, explained the frequency and significance of post-discharge adverse events, the role that transition of care programs play in reducing those events, and suggested transition strategies that should be incorporated in all transition programs. This article will explore the goals, strategies and essential components of transition of care programs and how health information technology (HIT) can help improve those programs. A list of resources, position papers, references, technology tools and other helpful information will also be provided for those who may be developing or revising a transition of care program.
Final rule sustains premiums and choice in the Exchange
On December 7, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the final rule, “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Methodology for the HHS-operated Permanent Risk Adjustment Program for 2018,” which reissues, with additional explanation, the HHS-operated risk adjustment methodology previously established for the 2018 benefit year. Issuing this rule allows CMS to continue normal operations of the Risk Adjustment program for the 2018 benefit year after a federal judge vacated the use of statewide average premium under the HHS methodology earlier this year.
“Today’s final rule continues our commitment to provide certainty regarding this important program, to give insurers the confidence they need to continue participating in the markets, and, ultimately, to guarantee that consumers have access to better coverage options,” says CMS Administrator Seema Verma. “Although the litigation is still pending, thanks to CMS’ clear commitment and ongoing steps to strengthen the markets, I am pleased to report insurer participation on increased for the 2019 benefit year, demonstrating improved confidence in the markets.”
Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
by Rebecca Perez, RN, BSN, CCM
All professions have unique skills, knowledge, and ethical standards that guide the professional in what knowledge and responsibilities are required and how to execute what has been learned. Three features characterize a profession and professional values:
1. Specialized training
2. Recognition of the need for standards of practice
3. Commitment to provide a service that goes beyond the personal interests of the professional
These values are critical to the ethical identity of the professional. The ever-volatile healthcare environment requires healthcare professionals to be guided by values and principles. The level to which we identify as professionals includes academic level, years of service, participation in professional organizations, serving in management positions, type of work, and type of work environment.
CMSA Today™—the official magazine of the Case Management Society of America—is the magazine for case managers. We are committed to providing case management knowledge, perspectives and news to case managers in all sectors of the profession. To facilitate that mission, we accept and consider:
- Original articles written by case managers of all healthcare backgrounds;
- Expertly prepared articles from professional writers—whether medical writers or experienced generalists—on case management topics;
- Feature articles, column material, and news about case management trends and issues, as well as about CMSA chapters and their activities;
- and personal, member-generated items considered nontraditional for a professional-association publication as poems, remembrances and similar sorts of content.
Consider sharing your knowledge by writing and submitting an article! Click below to learn more. Learn More
CMSA is on Instagram, and in 2018 we're celebrating case managers with a new photo every day! Send us your photo to post or tag your Instagram photo with #365daysofcm (make sure your profile is public so we can see it)! Follow along @cmsanational; we'll see you there!
A few months ago, CMSA invited you to join us on our first professional delegation to Cuba. The CMSA delegation to Cuba is an exceptional opportunity that includes visits to key healthcare facilities and sites in Havana, opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue with Cuban counterparts and activities that allow you to experience our field from an international vantage point.
The delegation is from May 13 to May 18, 2019. You can view a preliminary itinerary on the delegation website. The fee is $4,750 and may be tax deductible. A deposit of $500 is required to secure your spot. Space is limited, and enrollment closes on February 12, 2019. Enrolling is easy on the delegation website.
Please direct any and all questions to Professionals Abroad at 1-877-298-9677 or