All professions have unique skills, knowledge and ethical standards that guide the professional through what knowledge and responsibilities are required and how to execute what has been learned. Three features characterize a profession and professional values: 1. Specialized training 2. Recognition of the need for standards of practice 3. Commitment to provide a service that goes beyond the personal interests of the professional These values are critical to the ethical identity of the professional. The ever-volatile healthcare environment requires healthcare professionals to be guided by values and principles. Standards of practice guide professionals in daily work with those they serve. CMSA’s Standards of Professional Case Management Practice Course is a unifying force for professional case management practice, providing a common understanding and application of the role, process and expectations of the case manager. Pre-approved for 32 hours of continuing education credit for RN, SW, and CCM, the course objectives are to: -Expand knowledge of CMSA's Standards of Practice for Case Management guidelines and standards. -Educate on common industry terms and how they should be used in the case management profession. -Demonstrate the use of the standards through case studies. -Create consistent delivery of case management related services Now through September 30, 2018, members save an additional $75 on the course. Simply use code CHICAGO50 when registering. Pricing and registration for a group of 25 or more also available.
Learn More..
Kick Off National Diabetes Month with a Sponsored Webinar from Dexcom! Offers 1 hour CE for Nursing, CCM, and SW.
Advances in CGM accuracy and improved usability have changed the way patients and clinicians use CGM to manage diabetes. This webinar will highlight a multidisciplinary care team approach on how CGM is used for diabetes treatment decisions; the clinical indications for CGM use; features and benefits of commercially available CGM systems; and the role of CGM in improving clinical outcomes, quality of life, and reducing overall costs to the health care system.
Learning Objectives:
-Explain how CGM helps patients optimize diabetes treatment plans leading to improved clinical outcomes.
-Describe how to identify appropriate CGM candidates.
-Describe how CGM can have a positive result on the psychosocial impact on the patient’s daily life.
-Discuss the options available for CGM technology and indications for use.
Speaker: Davida F. Kruger, MSN, APN-BC, BC-ADM Certified Nurse Practitioner (Diabetes) Henry Ford Health System Detroit, MI
Thanks to everyone who shared National Case Management Week photos, celebrations and proclamations with CMSA over the past few weeks! We hope you had a week full of recognition and celebration of the wonderful work you do each and every day. Visit our CM Week page to see this year's proclamations and more!
Also, don't forget: During the month of October, we're offering our Member-Get-a-Member campaign. For every five individuals who become CMSA members through your recruiting efforts during the month of October, you'll receive a free membership to apply toward your renewal! On the application, there is a "referred by" space for your recruits to fill out your name as the referrer. Or, if they join online, they can forward their confirmation letter or send an email to letting us know who referred them. In addition, your recruits can use promotional code NCM18 for $25 off national membership for A & B members!
Have you checked out the 2019 CMSA conference website yet? Registration and details about the event in Las Vegas are up!
Once again this year, your full conference registration includes a one-year CMSA membership. With the lowest rates of the year and included membership, what are you waiting for?
Learn more and register today!
Download CMSA's Standards of Practice for Case Management, 2016 revision, which provides practice guidelines for the case management industry and its diverse stakeholders.The impetus for the 2016 revision of the Standards is the need to emphasize the professional nature of the practice and role of the case manager.
The 2016 Standards contain information about case management including an updated definition, practice settings, roles and responsibilities, case management process, philosophy and guiding principles, as well as the standards and how they are demonstrated.
Download Your Copy
Submission deadline is October 31!
CMSA is looking for the best individuals to join our Board of Directors to ensure we continue to be the leading membership association providing professional collaboration across the health care continuum. CMSA’s Board of Directors consists of individuals who possess extensive experience with diverse perspectives. Each year, members are sought from all disciplines and perspectives, those who have the expertise and desire to serve and represent CMSA as a whole. CMSA is looking for individuals who: -Are recognized leaders -Have demonstrated expertise and experience -Are willing to serve, if elected, and willing to commit the necessary time, energy, and effort to participating in CMSA activities Learn more about open positions, requirements and deadlines at the link.
CMSA is proud to to announce that there is now a discounted rate for retired members who are no longer working but would like to remain active as a member. Remaining active will allow one to stay current on industry trends, remain connected to their local chapter network, or even mentor new case managers in their careers. The requirements are as follows: - Must have been a CMSA member for at least 3 consecutive years. - Must be a minimum of sixty-five (65) years of age. - Must be permanently retired (may not be employed by a company that is classified as a contract or consultant). Please note: this discount cannot be combined with any other CMSA discount. To be considered for the discount, please click below to access the retiree form and submit it to CMSA.
 CMSA is pleased to announce a partnership with Bruce Berger, PhD, of Berger Consulting, LLC to bring you comMIt: Comprehensive Motivational Interviewing Training for Health Care Professionals at a discounted price. This 8-hour online program is centered around motivational interviewing, which is an evidence-based effective method for improving adherence to health behaviors. It was developed specifically for patients who are either ambivalent or resistant to change regarding these health behaviors.
CMSA has really listened to your requests for a practical motivational interviewing course targeted at healthcare professionals and their needs. We are thrilled to bring you an accredited course developed by the foremost authorities of MI in healthcare, Drs. Bruce Berger and William Villaume.
There are a limited number of seats for this program, accessible to CMSA members only, so you'll want to act soon! Click below to explore more information and register.
Developed by Pfizer, ArchiTools offers a comprehensive grouping of information and resources such as interactive training modules, actionable tools that members can download and use with patients, annotated articles, and a robust set of relevant external links specifically for case managers.
Members: Access your benefit today! Enter casear71 in the account code field.
 CMSA and CCMC are working together to continue advancing professional case managers in their career paths. CMSA members receive a 20 percent discount when applying for the CCM, as well as upon renewal. Those who hold the CCM certification receive a 20 percent discount for CMSA membership.
If you have questions about how to take advantage of your new member benefit, please contact CMSA Client Services at or 501-225-2229.
Pat Stricker, RN, M Ed, SVP, Clinical Services, TCS Healthcare Technologies
Since Case Management Week is celebrated the second week of October and this newsletter is released the third week of the month, it seems that I always have to wish you a belated Happy National Case Management Week. However, this year, I would like to take the opportunity to extend National Case Management Week to a “Month.” Why not? That way I can wish you a “Happy Case Management Month” instead of a belated Happy Case Management Week.
You deserve recognition for all the important contributions you make throughout the year! Your dedication, commitment and passion for working with patients/clients and their families to educate, empower, and enable them to make informed decisions – moving them towards wellness. This makes a tremendous difference in their lives and is also invaluable to the healthcare delivery system by improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of care. Case managers act as advocates, educators, coordinators, facilitators, navigators and resource managers to help patients/clients understand and manage their condition, find and gain access to services and obtain high quality, cost-effective care. That sounds like it deserves a month-long recognition to me. How about you?
Agency waivers to take effect in Georgia
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on October 11 announced that the agency has acted to support Georgia in response to Hurricane Michael. Today, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency (PHE) in Georgia. With the PHE in effect, CMS has taken several actions to provide immediate relief to those impacted by the hurricane. The actions will include temporarily waiving or modifying certain Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) requirements; creating special enrollment opportunities for individuals to access healthcare immediately; and taking steps to ensure dialysis patients obtain critical life-saving services.
“Our thoughts are with all affected by this monstrous Hurricane,” Administrator Seema Verma said. “CMS has taken the measures necessary to help support everyone that could be impacted. The waivers that will be in effect in Georgia will give healthcare providers, facilities, and suppliers the flexibility to provide continued access to care throughout this storm. We will continue to monitor the hurricane and work closely with officials in Georgia.”
Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
by Sarah L. Szanton, PhD, ANP, Suzanne Havrilla, PT, DPT, and Diane Lepley, RN, MSN
Do you worry about some patients after they leave the hospital? You might wonder how they will navigate stair climbing and showers. Maybe they live alone and are unable to stand long enough to prepare food. These are just some of the challenges facing older patients when they transition from hospital to home. Although loss of function is often a result of an illness, disease or injury, it does not have to be a normal part of aging.
When patients are in the hospital, we learn a lot about them but learn little about their overall life goals and how they achieve them in the context of daily life. A full 25 percent of all healthcare costs in the U.S. are spent on people with functioal limitations, yet the medical system rarely addresses function in a systematic way.
Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are no strangers to fragmented care. According to recent research, 70% of clinicians say that addressing poor communication between care teams would be the best way to improve IPF-related care in their setting.
We can do better. This engaging webcast provides practical tips for reducing IPF treatment delays and improving quality of life through well-coordinated care and patient-centered, shared decision-making. Additionally, two IPF experts explain current guideline recommendations for antifibrotic therapy and supportive treatments, and share best practices for achieving personalized IPF treatment decisions.
Delivered in partnership with the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and CMSA. Accredited for 1.0 hour for Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists, Nurses, and Case Managers (ACCME, AANP, ACPE, ANCC, and CCMC).
Begin your activity at the link below!
CMSA Today™—the official magazine of the Case Management Society of America—is the magazine for case managers. We are committed to providing case management knowledge, perspectives and news to case managers in all sectors of the profession. To facilitate that mission, we accept and consider:
- Original articles written by case managers of all healthcare backgrounds;
- Expertly prepared articles from professional writers—whether medical
writers or experienced generalists—on case management topics;
- Feature articles, column material, and news about case management
trends and issues, as well as about CMSA chapters and their activities;
- and personal, member-generated items considered nontraditional for a
professional-association publication as poems, remembrances and similar
sorts of content.
Consider sharing your knowledge by writing and submitting an article! Click below to learn more.
Learn More
 CMSA is on Instagram, and in 2018 we're celebrating case managers with a new photo every day! Send us your photo to post or tag your Instagram photo with #365daysofcm (make sure your profile is public so we can see it)!
Follow along @cmsanational; we'll see you there!