
CMSA blogs are written and contributed by a broad range of authors, from board directors and industry partners to working case managers and recent retirees. Find every perspective here!

CMSA blogs post on Mondays and Thursdays each week!

"How Does the Loss of Medicaid for Up to 14.2 Million Americans Affect Hospitals?" by Marie Stinebuck, MBA, MSN, ACM; Marie delves deep into the implications of this shift for acute care hospitals, case management and, most importantly, for the individuals who will be losing their Medicaid coverage.

"Stewards of Resources Great and Small" by Kathleen Moreo, RN, BC, BSN, BHSA, CCM, CDMS, FCM; Kathleen beautifully explores how compassion and care, the very essence of case management, extend far beyond our professional lives, shaping who we are as individuals and influencing our interactions with the world around us.

"MVD Day at #CMSA2023” by Elaine Bruner, RN, MSN, CMGT-BC; “As an MVD Education Committee member, I was impressed by the participation and engagement. This MVD pre-con exceeded my expectations and those of others.” 

"THANK YOU!" by Dr. Colleen Morley, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM; Dr. Colleen Morley, the president of CMSA, expresses her deepest gratitude to all the incredible individuals who made #CMSA2023 an extraordinary success!