CMSA has announced its legislative priorities for the coming year. These priorities have been carefully formulated by the CMSA Public Policy Committee, whose mission is to serve as the communication and educational resource for health policy issues related to the professional practice of case management. This includes helping legislators and policy makers to better understand the role case management plays in healthcare delivery and informing the membership about public policy matters relevant to case managers. This group of dedicated CMSA members has met over the past year to discuss current and future issues that affect the membership and will require monitoring in order to protect case managers, their patients and their patients’ families. In the fast-changing healthcare landscape, the CMSA Public Policy Committee has determined three main areas of focus.

Download the one-page sheets below for more information:


CMSA supports both state and federal legislation around telehealth and will work collaboratively with other disciplines to understand individual federal and state regulations and updated regulatory actions for healthcare systems and healthcare providers. DOWNLOAD

River CMSA is committed to being actively involved in ensuring mental health services are a critical component within the integrated case management model of care. DOWNLOAD
River CMSA is highly committed to workforce development initiatives. The initiatives focus on the case manager, along with the healthcare policies that support the case management role. DOWNLOAD

Stay tuned for more information and action you can take to help with these efforts. If you have a public policy issue for consideration, please contact