Case managers are advocates, leaders, influencers, problem-solvers, educators and more! In every work setting and within healthcare in general, there is a common challenge; how to best meet our clients’ needs in an industry that is continually evolving. Legislative and regulatory changes trickle down and lead to more change at the employer level. Initiatives to improve our practice, reinforce our value and protect our profession will ultimately lead to increased recognition that case management is the true healthcare reform.

Case Management is a complex career choice and certainly not a path to be taken lightly. But like most processes, time and effort produce amazing results. In support of case managers, CMSA continues to forge the future for this rapidly expanding healthcare profession. Conference presentations and poster sessions are designed to spark conversations and innovations, provide strategies and solutions, along with practical tools and successful initiatives for professional case managers and case management systems. We invite you to become a part of the conversation by participating in the 2021 Call for Presentations.

2021 Theme: “Staking Our Claim in a New World”
For more information, guidelines, or to submit a presentation, click here.


NEW SUBMISSION WEBSITE: *Please note CMSA will have a new submission website this year. You will need to create a new account to submit.

Important Dates*:
Thursday, October 29, 2020, 5:00 PM Central 
– Deadline to submit a presentation. 
End of November 2020 
– Notification of submission status.