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CMSA Today Conference Daily
June 13, 2019
Conference & Expo Highlights
It’s the final day of the main conference, and we hope you’ve had the experience of a lifetime, reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, and gathering inspiration and ideas that you can take home with you and use in your practice of case management. And we’re not done yet!
Today begins with concurrent sessions at 8:45 a.m., including “Servant Leadership: Influencing Case Management Success.” That’s followed at 10 a.m. by the opening of the Expo Hall, which will feature poster presentations. Lunch symposia will begin at 12:45 p.m., followed by more concurrent sessions at 2:30, including “Case Managers—Put Your Oxygen Mask on First Before Helping Others.” And make sure to attend our today's keynote at 4 p.m., featuring Colette Carlson.
At yesterday’s main session, CMSA President Jose Alejandro announced the winner of the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award:
Patricia Agius, BS, RN, CCM, CPHQ
In Wednesday’s keynote, “Raising Cain: How to Increase Your Impact as a Leader,” Anton Gunn, MSW, CDM, CSP, talked about how improving leadership skills can help people make more of a difference and leave a lasting legacy in their lives.
He mentioned two important questions that leaders should ask themselves:
• How do I have a full-spectrum impact?
• How can I make it right?
Then he presented a framework for making it right, and for increasing one’s impact as a leader based on a phrase his grandmother used—Raising Cain:
• C is for communication. He explained the importance of effectively “communicating your why,” the motivation behind your actions.
• A is for attitude. He advocated developing a “make it right mindset” and committing to professional development.
• I is for influence. He said that sharing your values and demonstrating your commitment can increase how much influence you have.
• N is for network. He stressed the importance of building lasting connections and being relational rather than transactional with others.
He also spoke about legacy, saying that we should use our talents and abilities to leave something for those who come after us. “Don’t try to be successful; be significant,” he said.
In yesterday’s CMSA Presidents’ Panel, a distinguished group of case management experts, all of them former presidents of CMSA, fielded questions and shared their extensive knowledge and experience with a large group of attendees in Grand Ballroom F.
CMSA President Jose Alejandro recognized the past presidents who couldn’t attend. Then he and President Elect Melanie Prince introduced this year’s panelists:
• Connie Commander, RN-BC, MBA, CCM, ABDA, CPUR
• Kathleen Fraser, MSN, MHA, RN-BC, CCM, CRRN
• Jeff Frater, RN, BSN
• Peggy Leonard, MS, RN-BC, FNP
• Ann Llewellyn, RN-BC, MS, BHSA, CCM, CRRN
• Mary McLaughlin-Davis, DNP, MSN, APRN-BC, CCM
• Mary Beth Newman, MSN, RN-BC, CCP, CCM, CHCQM
• Nancy E. Skinner, RN-BC, CCM
Issued addressed by the panel included the following: how to develop case management leadership skills; best practices for mentoring; case management’s role in addressing the nursing shortage; career planning for case managers; how to resolve conflict within a team; education in case management; the VA system; CE issues related to speakers at chapter meetings; and communicating effectively with staff and with the C-suite as a new manager.
From the Expo Hall
Expo Hall & Giveaway Schedule
Hall Hours: 10 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.
Beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the Winner’s Circle, drawings for gifts from Sponsors of Passport to Prizes:
• Angel MedFlight
• KCI, an Acelity Company
• Amerita Specialty Infusion Services
• The Hartford
• Comfort Keepers
• Rovicare
• Sound Advisory Services
Drawings at 12 p.m.!
Winner’s Circle Grand Prize Drawings:
•  Royal Caribbean Cruise for two—seven nights!
• Costa Rica-Guanacaste
Learning Session Spotlight
In this early session on Wednesday, Carol Garner, RN, CCMSA, shared how taking a creative approach to encouraging test and treatment compliance can help in managing patients with HIV in South Africa.
She noted that, worldwide, 37 million people are living with HIV, and 69% of the world’s HIV population live in Africa. South Africa, with a total population of 60 million, has 7.2 million people with HIV, and there are 1,200 new infections per day.  
Challenges to combatting HIV in South Africa include the social stigma around the disease; the widespread but incorrect assumption that insurers in the country will not pay for the care of HIV patients; the difficulties people in rural areas have in accessing care; low levels of literacy; and poor compliance.
One difficulty for hospital-based case managers in South Africa is that they’re not allowed to communicate HIV ICD coding to insurers. She noted, “’Normal’ medical admission LOS become extended to almost double with diseased patients not disclosed.” She added that hospital case managers often use a “secret language” to get the message across to the funder case manager rather than using the diagnosis code.
Effective approaches to improving the rate of HIV testing and compliance with treatment regimens have included incentive campaigns; employer-based outreach programs; engaging families for their support; and involving primary care, such as village nurses, especially in rural areas. She noted that what’s important is to be creative and take into account the cultural and social forces that may be standing in the way of testing and compliance.
Attendee to Attendee
What has been your favorite part of the conference so far?
So far, my favorite part of the conference has been the inspirational keynote speakers – Vernice Armour and Anton Gunn, inspiring the case management community and reminding us that the work we do is so important and valuable in the healthcare system. What I love the most each year that I attend CMSA’s annual conference is the ability to network with colleagues and friends who share the same passion for professional case management.
Getting Social
Using the hashtag #CMSA2019, share with attendees and the case management community at large what you’re learning about, who you’re meeting, and how much fun you’re having at the CMSA 29th Annual Conference & Expo!
We can’t wait to see your insights and the connections you’re making. Follow @CMSANational, and be sure to use the official hashtag, #CMSA2019.


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