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CMSA Today Conference Daily
June 12, 2019
Conference & Expo Highlights
At CMSA’s Annual Membership Meeting yesterday morning, CMSA National President Jose Alejandro acknowledged the work of the 2018-2019 board of directors and welcomed the incoming board members for 2019-2020, including President-Elect Melanie Prince, MSN, RN, RN-BC, CCM.
He also recognized CMSA’s past presidents, who continue to play an important role within the association. In addition, he recognized all the volunteers who have contributed with their efforts, including national and chapter committee or task force members, as well as chapter presidents and past presidents, and chapter board members.
Afterward, he introduced a moving video in remembrance of the CMSA members who passed on since last year’s annual conference. He also recognized the military veterans and active-duty personnel in the audience, as well as international attendees and first-time attendees.
Susie Ratterree, chair of the Bylaws Committee, took the stage to share the committee’s recommendation that the bylaws be amended to include “Professional” in front of “Case Manager” to further define the role of case manager. The motion was passed.
Hussein Tahan, chair of the Membership Committee, then discussed a survey the committee has undertaken to ascertain what members find most valuable about their involvement both with the national organization and with their local chapters. When complete, the survey results will appear in CMSA Today magazine.
Afterward, Mary McLaughlin-Davis, chair of the Hospital Case Management Task Force, and Stefani Daniels, a member of the task force, spoke about their white paper on the practice of hospital case management. Printed copies of the white paper were made available at the end of the annual meeting, compliments of the Cleveland Clinic. CMSA members can also access it for free at the CMSA website.
Kathleen Fraser then gave a brief overview of the programs and educational resources available to members, including the Educational Resource Library, which contains a wealth of offerings, including session recordings from CMSA conferences as well as webinars. She also discussed the Standards of Professional Case Management Practice Program; the Case Management Opioid Guide, which will be updated soon; the Motivational Interviewing online course; the Integrated Case Management Program; the Care Coordination and Transitions of Care course; and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health: Ethical Considerations. She added that new and updated products are coming out all the time.
Dr. Alejandro then took the stage again to introduce CMSA Foundation president Deborah Gutteridge, who spoke about the Foundation’s work and introduced the Foundation board, including Melanie Prince, the new 2019-2020 vice president. Gutteridge also recognized the 2019 recipient of the ICM Training Scholarship, and the recipients of the new Margaret Leonard Public Policy Grant. She then brought Margaret Leonard to the stage, where Peggy received a standing ovation. Deborah Gutteridge recognized the chapters that have supported the Foundation during chapter events and donated special items for the Foundation’s benefit.
At yesterday’s annual membership meeting, 2019 Awards Committee Chair Angie Millan Kelley and Vice Chair Mark Evans took the stage to announce the winners of the 2019 Chapter Excellence and Innovation Awards:
Award of Excellence for Conference Planning: The Long Island Chapter of the CMSA
Award of Excellence for Education Programming: Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Award of Excellence for Membership Development: CMSA Chicago
Award of Excellence for Publishing and Promotion: CMSA of the Chesapeake
Award of Excellence for Public Policy and Advocacy: The Southern Ohio Valley Chapter of CMSA
Award of Excellence Chapter Revitalization: Central Arkansas Chapter of the CMSA
At the Opening Keynote, Awards Committee Chair Angie Millan Kelley and Vice Chair Mark Evans presented the following national awards:
The National Award of Service Excellence
Cheryl A. Acres, RN, CCM, CDP
The Case Manager of the Year
Mary McLaughlin Davis, DNP, MSN, ACNS-BC, NEA-BC, CCM
In Tuesday’s high-energy Opening Keynote, Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour spoke of her experiences as America’s first African American female combat pilot and provided direction and motivation for others as they face obstacles on their own road to excellence.
She said that while there will always be challenges and difficulties, it’s important to take a step back and remember why you started out on your chosen journey to begin with. She added, “Acknowledge the obstacles; just don’t give them power.”
She said it’s important to have a flight plan – a framework that allows one to “flex and adapt and accomplish the mission.” She stressed the importance of taking action, of making the “gutsy move”—which will be different for each person.
In a line she repeated during the talk, she said, “You HAVE permission to engage!” She added, if you don’t give yourself permission, who will?
We have a great day planned for you, with a main session featuring keynote speaker Anton Gunn. We’ll also hear from CMSA Executive Director Kathleen Fraser. The Expo Hall will be open from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., with lunch served until 2 p.m. Later, a special panel of CMSA past presidents will gather for a discussion of important topics for today’s case managers. There’s also a great lineup of concurrent sessions, including “Case Managers Driving Success in Value-Based Care” and “Unmasked and Unsafe: The Hidden Perils of Discharge.”
From the Expo Hall
Hall Hours: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Lunch Served: 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Posters will be on display from 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
• WellCare Health Plan – Booth #315. $500 Cash Giveaway. Drawing at 1:30 p.m.!
• AeroCare Medical – Booth #911. $500 Cash Giveaway. Drawing at 2:30 p.m.!
Learning Session Spotlight
 In this packed session, “Who Can Turn the World on with a Smile? – Case Managers,” Margaret (Peggy) Leonard, MS, RN-BC, FNP, noted that more nations are becoming interested in learning about the U.S.’s nursing regulations and certification policies and procedures, a fact that is creating opportunities for case managers willing to think globally.
She mentioned the work being done internationally by the National Council of the State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) with regard to credentialing and licensure and offered advice for those interested in exploring working internationally.
Initial steps, she said, should include the following:
• Learn as much about the country as possible.
• Evaluate your own capacity to expand
• Consider engaging an in-country resource as a partner
• Consider engaging a U.S. organization with international experience
Attendee to Attendee
What has been your favorite part of the conference so far, and why?
My favorite part has been seeing old friends. And I really enjoyed the annual meeting. There were such great updates about the benefits and resources from CMSA. It was very informative and made me feel like the association is really moving forward with some great initiatives. And how could you not have loved FlyGirl in the Opening Keynote?
Getting Social
Be sure to visit CMSA’s resource center in the Expo Hall (Booth #515), where you’re likely to meet members of the CMSA national board as well as members of CMSA’s Public Policy Committee. It’s a great place to learn more about the benefits of membership and how you can help advance the field of case management. You can also peruse the offerings at the CMSA store and register for great giveaways!


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