Presidents Panel: Legacy and Leadership

 In yesterday’s Presidents Panel, a distinguished group of case management experts, all of them former presidents of CMSA, fielded questions and shared their extensive knowledge and experience with a large group of attendees in the Arie Crown Theater.

Kathleen Fraser, MSN, MHA, RN-BC, CCM, CRRN, introduced and moderated the panel. She recognized the past presidents who couldn’t attend, then introduced this year's panelists:

Kathleen Fraser posed questions to the panel that were submitted beforehand by attendees; then, she invited members of the audience to ask questions of their own.

 Issues addressed by the panel included the following: implementing and upholding the case management standards of practice, addressing the burden of paperwork, how case managers can prove their worth and value, challenges facing case managers today, artificial intelligence in healthcare, issues related to state licensure, and diversity in case management.

In terms of proving the worth of case managers’ work, Anne Llewellyn said, "We have to celebrate our successes. Celebrate the good work that we do." And let your supervisor know, she added.

 "What a difference you make for your patients," said Nancy Skinner. "Tell your stories. That’s how we prove our worth and value."

Case Management Society of America