2011 Case Manager of the Year

Margo MacRobert, RN, MS, CCM, NEA-BC

As director of 75 CMs with clients in 74 of the 77 counties of Oklahoma, she has developed evidence-based practice protocols for all high-volume patient diagnoses by employing such guidelines as those outlined CMSA’s Standards of Practice.

A prolific presenter, she has spoken at case management related conferences, summits, and meetings around the country, and the world, including Australia, Hong Kong, and Canada.

She has provided consulting services for places as far away as the King Fahad Medical City Hospital in Riyad, Saudi Arabia, and acted as medical/legal nurse expert to the United States Dept. of Justice, US Attorney’s Offices in OK and Colorado.

According to other colleagues, our CMOY exemplifies the "GOLD STANDARD" for case management leaders on both national and local levels. So, please join us in celebrating CMSA’s 2011 Case Manager of the Year award recipient - Margo MacRobert!

Case Management Society of America