CISCA Monday Newsletter
Industry News
Mobile games encourage continued usage by promising prizes, levels and rewards for advancing through challenges. Construction managers are capitalizing on younger generations’ interest in these types of games, especially on mobile platforms, to recruit and promote safety through educational construction apps. 
There have been construction industry rumblings for some time now that the boom that many contractors have been enjoying for years might be coming to an end or at least slowing down. Yet contractors are still reporting that they're busier than ever and, according to the Associated Builders and Contractors, are enjoying near-record backlogs.
Although new technologies designed to promote collaboration, improve project management, increase safety and enhance the bottom line are continually emerging, the construction industry is slow to adopt these tools.
Oncenter Software
Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia added construction jobs between September 2018 and September 2019, while construction employment increased in 28 states from August to September, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of Labor Department data released recently. Association officials said that it is likely additional states would have added new construction jobs if firms could find more qualified workers to hire.
Drones have become an essential tool for construction and engineering, used for everything from aerial photography, surveying, mapping, GIS, thermal imaging, inspection and more. Some large organizations already employ dozens of pilots to maximize drone data at every step of the process. Improved workforce safety and risk reduction are two key factors driving the rapid adoption of drones in the building sector.
The construction industry continues to lag behind others when it comes to the adoption of digital work practices. How can the Fourth Industrial Revolution become reality without a fully digitized engineering, procurement and construction sector? As the foundation of infrastructure across the world, the construction industry has the opportunity to lead. When global construction leaders start to think digital first, our cities and industries will be propelled into the Industry 4.0 era. 
Acoustic systems that simplify the specification, sourcing, and installation process
Focal Point Lights

Focal Point, one of the newest members of CISCA is an industry leader that designs and manufactures integrated lighting and acoustic systems that simplify the specification, sourcing, and installation process while delivering a unified look with their Acoustic Solutions. Their in-house specialists can help you achieve your desired design.  

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The impending arrival of 5G networks will change everything in construction. 5G connectivity will affect the entire building process, from the communication of data and images between trades, designers, construction offices and client owners, to building infrastructure itself. In other words, it will impact the way ICI projects are conceived, engineered and constructed.
Building brand awareness on social media may seem like a daunting task; however, it is worth your time. Social media is a vehicle to share your story, build brand awareness and engage with your community, clients and employees. However, before you start posting, you need a foundation to integrate these efforts into your marketing strategy.
On Oct. 9, the president signed two executive orders (EO) that would make it more difficult for federal agencies to regulate through guidance and policy documents that are not otherwise subject to public comment or notice requirements under law.
Member News
Join us in Las Vegas, March 23-26, 2020 for the 2020 CISCA Convention and INTEX. Registration is now open and there is a special CISCA rate for lodging. For additional questions, call CISCA at 630-584-1919 or email
The working world has a love-hate relationship with open office plans and a good deal of that centers around noise. Dealing with noise means paying attention to acoustics. This white paper outlines the importance of acoustics in open office spaces.



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