Attention All CISCA Manufacturer Members!

CISCA is offering a new way for you to get in front of your customers with our virtual Contractor Lunch & Learn series!
This new series will begin in January and is designed to replace the in-person presentations that are not possible during the pandemic. CISCA will promote your presentation exclusively to CISCA Contractor members so you will have the target audience you want.
By participating, CISCA staff will host a one-hour Zoom session where you will present your products/services and take questions in an open forum. CISCA will invite our contractor members to the event but you can also invite products reps, independent reps and your non-CISCA member contractor customers to join. Best of all, this opportunity is FREE to you as a CISCA member! Your only cost is to provide a lunch voucher from a food delivery service (UberEats, GrubHub, DoorDash) for each contractor registered for your presentation.
Contractors will enjoy lunch at their desk while engaging with you during a virtual presentation… just like they would have done at your in-person presentation!
Register now for this exclusive opportunity by emailing us at