A Message from CISCA President Scott Turczynski

As a member of CISCA you know the value you receive from being a member. While networking and in-person events have been a large part of CISCA in the past, CISCA continues to bring value to its members virtually by:

The 2020 Fall Conference is going to be virtual. There are many events scheduled for the week, including the very popular Economic Forecast presented by Bob Treadway, who will give his thoughts on the coming year post COVID and post-election.

To help accomplish the task of membership growth, CISCA has formed a Talent Committee whose job is to recruit not only new members, but to engage current members. We are asking for your help in identifying new members. Please look at your list of contacts and identify one or two who are currently not members of CISCA that you feel would benefit from being a member. Send their name and contact information to cisca@cisca.org. We will then reach out to them to encourage them to join.

Thank you in advance for helping our organization grow.