Need Help With Job Interview Questions?

CISCA’s partner Caliper has a limited-time offer for our members to help you get the most out of your next job interview. Caliper is offering free behavioral interview guides, which you can start using immediately. These guides have probing questions and gives hints on what to listen for in a candidate's answer. 
There is a guide for sales positions, as well as management and customer service.  
For example, when interviewing a sales candidate, ask them to describe the style they utilize in order to sell their ideas. The response to this question will demonstrate how focused the candidate is and whether he or she is aware of his or her personalized methods for increasing business. Are the style and methodology consistent with your company’s philosophy?
Or when considering someone for a Customer Service role, ask them to tell you about a situation in which his or her listening skills helped save a relationship with a client.  Answers to this question should help you distinguish whether the candidate was open to the client’s feedback, listened actively, and provided customer assistance.
And to delve even deeper, consider using Caliper’s pre-employment assessments to improve your hiring process.  Pre-employment assessments can help you hire the right people, get them up to speed faster, and build productive teams.  To download your interview guides, click here.