CFCA Insider

California Fuels & Convenience Alliance

Federated Insurance
Shields, Harper & Company
Join us at our exciting venue in the heart of L.A. LIVE for three essential days of learning, connecting, and building your business. Make plans now to be part of your industry’s premier West Coast event September 8-10, 2015.

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Lock America Inc
ADD Systems
Upcoming Events
The CIOMA Government Relations Committee is your watchdog, evaluating new legislation and determining which bills warrant CIOMA’s attention, support or opposition, but this is only one component of the job.

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A mild weekend in the heart of the Central Valley sizzled Saturday night as the California Independent Oil Marketers Political Action Committee’s 16th Annual Destruction Derby came to a smashing conclusion.

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     May 2015

     May 13-15

             PMAA Washington Conference and Day on the Hill


             Washington D.C.


May 29

Fuel Relief Fund's 5th Annual Golf Tournament


Riverside, CA


September 2015 

Sept. 8-10

Pacific Oil Conference & Trade Show


L.A. LIVE, Los Angeles, CA



March 2016


March 16

Day at the Capitol


Sacramento, CA



April 2016


April 30

CIOMA Destruction Derby


Firebaugh, CA




September 2016


September 6-8

Pacific Oil Conference & Trade Show


L.A. LIVE, Los Angeles, CA



Industry News
Cal/OSHA is urging employers with outdoor workers to prepare for high heat now. According to the National Climatic Data Center, 2014 was the hottest calendar year on record since 1895 in California, and the Center has already recorded similarly record-breaking temperatures over the last two months.

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A federal judge ruled that California’s new law that bans payment card surcharges was unconstitutional.

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Pacific Ethanol is completing upgrades at its 40 MMgy ethanol plant in Madera, California. The company recently announced corn oil production at the plant has commenced. In addition, an-industrial scale membrane system is scheduled to be installed at the facility later this year.

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CIOMA Benefits
Originally established with contributions made by industry friends in memory of Ron Ahlport, Fred Bertetta Sr., and Jim Divine, the CIOMA Memorial Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to help children and employees of CIOMA members further their education and professional development.

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By now, most of the American population is aware of their requirement under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to have basic medical coverage. In addition, employers with 50 or more employees must offer affordable, minimum value coverage to their full-time employees. Failure in either case will result in a penalty owed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

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As you’re reading this article, are you doing something else at the same time? Maybe you’re eating, listening to the radio, or even planning your day. You might think you’re multitasking, but—and this may come as a surprise—you’re not. Scientists have learned that our brains don’t process more than one stream of information at a time.

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Member News

Diesel Direct West, Inc.

Phone: (916) 857-1000

Contact: Timothy Johnson



Diesel Direct West, Inc. offer a 24-7 on-site diesel fleet fueling service that delivers high quality diesel fuels directly to your fleet’s tanks on the job site or at your place of business. They specialize in mobile fueling and bulk fuel deliveries for local, regional and national truck fleets. Diesel Direct West, Inc. operates out of their own corporate locations with a dedicated delivery fleet directly to customers, without middlemen or brokers.


DNR Petroleum, Inc.

Phone: (925) 215-4748

Contact: Dee Kalra


DNR Petroleum is located in Fairfield, California. They primarily operate in the petroleum products/industry within the Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods sector.



DeVine Fuel Transports, Inc.

Phone: (951) 235-7926

Contact: Dan DeVine


Devine Fuels Transports, Inc. was established in 2011.  They specialize in transporting both lite products and bulk lubes in California and Arizona for multiple customers/distributors.