CFCA Insider
Federated Insurance
Valero Energy Corporation
Shields, Harper & Company
This on-demand webinar focuses on the skyrocketing RINs prices driving up biofuels production and imports, but will it be enough to achieve compliance? How can refiners respond in conflicting market information that shows us short on biofuels credits for the national RFS program but suddenly long on biofuels for the California LCFS? The RINs price has distorted the crack spread, influenced the differential of jet to diesel, and reshaped export markets...what will happen next?
First Community Bank
Argus Media
ADD Systems
Industry News
CIOMA is proud to become the first state association to join Fuel Relief Fund’s membership. Click "learn more" below to hear from CIOMA's Executive Director, Ryan Hanretty, and to learn why CIOMA made this important investment in our community.
EMV Chip Card Reader Lawsuit Moves Forward
San Francisco federal judge allows a class-action lawsuit brought by retailers over new chip card readers to proceed against credit card companies.
CIOMA Benefits
On December 1, 2016, the Department of Labor (DOL) will implement changes raising the minimum compensation for exempt employees to $47,476 annually. While salary is just half of a two-part equation that includes a duties test of essential job functions, scrutiny is under way to analyze compensation and find solutions to avoid conflict with the new rule.
Every year, fires costs business owners billions of dollars – and that number doesn’t even begin to measure the impact fires have on businesses and families of employees who are injured or killed by the blaze.
G&K is your one stop shop for everything you could possibly need in your business and they offer highly discounted services for CIOMA Members.
Member News
California Independent Oil Marketers Association
3835 North Freeway Blvd., Ste. 240
Sacramento, CA, USA 95834-1955



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