CFCA Insider
Federated Insurance
Valero Energy Corporation
Shields, Harper & Company
First Community Bank
Source North American Corp.
ADD Systems
Industry News
Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) released the following statement regarding the passage of legislation addressing tobacco and e-cigarette usage:
On Thursday, the California state Legislature passed Senate Bill 7, which will raise the minimum legal smoking age from 18 to 21 statewide if signed by Gov. Jerry Brown.
CIOMA Benefits
With frequent onsite fieldworker accidents, tragic deaths in various industries like oil and gas and fire service, growing concern over lab safety in schools, and the significant financial costs these occurrences have on organizations, flame-resistant (FR) clothing has literally become a "hot topic" issue.
Originally established with contributions made by industry friends in memory of Ron Ahlport, Fred Bertetta Sr., and Jim Divine, the CIOMA Memorial Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to help children and employees of CIOMA members further their education and professional development.
California Independent Oil Marketers Association
3835 North Freeway Blvd., Ste. 240
Sacramento, CA, USA 95834-1955



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