Events Industry Council 2019 committees: Call for volunteers

The Events Industry Council is seeking engaged events professionals for volunteer roles with the Industry Insights Committee and the Sustainability Committee. The deadline for nominations is tomorrow, 31 August 2018. Selected volunteers serve two year terms beginning 1 January 2019.

The Industry Insights Committee is an initiative of the Events Industry Council that promotes development and implementation of industry-wide accepted practices to create and enhance efficiency throughout the meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry. Formerly known as the APEX initiative, this committee is responsible for developing, identifying and maintaining best practices for the events industry. Focus areas for 2019 will include safety and security, cyber security, the value of the event professional and maintaining current resources for room block poaching, connectivity, eRFPs and other tools. Volunteers will participate in regular calls and 1–2 face-to-face meetings per year and should anticipate 5–8 hours of volunteer responsibilities per month.

For more information on the Industry Insights Committee, including the nomination form, click here.

Formerly the Green Meeting Industry Council, the Sustainability Initiative is a programme within the Events Industry Council to advocate and educate around sustainability in the meetings and events sector. Sustainability Committee volunteers will participate in the development of new resources for sustainable event education, including identifying potential speakers, writing articles and helping identify best practices related to sustainable events. Volunteers will participate in regular monthly calls and 3–5 hours of volunteer responsibilities per month. There may be 1–2 face-to-face meetings per year, typically in conjunction with major industry events.

For more information on the Sustainability Committee, including the nomination form, click here.

Questions? Contact Mariela McIlwraith, CMP, CMM, MBA, Director, Industry Advancement at

Events Industry Council