Introducing the Team

These are exciting times! Over the past month we have announced a transition to a new management firm and opened the doors to new offices in Washington, D.C., all while still fulfilling our daily mission of serving the events industry.

Our new partner, SmithBucklin, brings 65 years of experience in serving independent not-for-profit associations. Their mission is to serve the mission of the client organizations they serve, and to provide uncompromised stewardship for their client organizations' long-term prosperity.

The team that is working with the Events Industry Council has been eager and ready to serve our members, volunteers, committees and Certified Meeting Professionals (CMPs) globally. Your new team is here to help! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Amanda Santoro, Senior Coordinator, Membership Services, and Katherine Vogelsang, Coordinator, Membership Services are your contacts.

Christine Murphy Peck leads the education and certification team, and she is joined by Erica Klein, who is the lead for our Preferred Provider Program.

As one last note, please make sure your records are updated with the following information regarding our new office:

Phone: (202) 367-1190

Address: 2025 M Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20036


Karen Kotowski, CAE, CMP, Chief Executive Officer, Events Industry Council

Events Industry Council