APEX Puts High Speed Internet Access into High Focus at PCMA's Convening Leaders

High speed Internet access and adequate bandwidth are crucial for today's meetings and events.  The November issue of CMP Today featured an article on bandwidth that explored the important role Internet access plays in today's meetings, and offered some important things planners and suppliers need to know about high speed internet access in order to have informed discussions during the sales, planning and execution process.

APEX is responding to this need for education and resources through the APEX Bandwidth Workgroup.  The workgroup, made up of a diverse group of industry professionals, began work in June of 2012 and has already released an article, a bandwidth estimating tool and a comprehensive educational presentation on the topic.

APEX volunteers MaryAnne Bobrow, CAE, CMP, CMM, CHE of Bobrow Associates, Inc and Michael Owen, CMM of EventGenuity LLC recently took the message on the road and delivered education sessions to attendees at PCMA's Convening Leaders.

During the sessions in the event's Learning Lounge, Michael Owen summed up the issue succinctly.  "On this topic, most of us don't know what we don't  know.  When you think that the iPad is only three years old and look at the way technology is evolving, it's clear that bandwidth is more and more important to meetings and events.  And as professionals we all need to start this conversation.  We need to be aware of what needs to happen and be in place to make sure needs are met and attendees have the right experience."

The sessions, presented in a quick 15 minute format drew a diverse group of new and veteran planners.  MaryAnne Bobrow explained the broad appeal this way: "seasoned professionals avoid '101' classes like the plague.  This is the one exception everyone needs to make.  This is information not previously presented and information that everyone needs to know."

The APEX Bandwidth Workgroup will continue to develop and release additional resources in the coming months, including a comprehensive white paper, articles, presentations, a glossary of terminology and other helpful tools.

For more information on this topic, visit the APEX Event Bandwidth page on the CIC web site.

Events Industry Council