Recertification Reminder

The deadline for recertification has passed if your CMP designation expired in 2012; however, you can still  recertify even if your status has lapsed. Recertification applications will be accepted at the LAPSED status rate for those who expired in 2012.  You don’t want the hard work and dedication that it took to obtain your certification to go down the drain. 

Go to to determine the requirements and to download your application, recertification guide and the CMP International Standards.

For those whose certification expires in 2013, your recertification year has just begun. Begin gathering your documents and complete the application early and save money by recertifying before April 30, 2013.

If you have questions on the process, our recertification video will take the guess work out of completing your application for you. It is easier than you think to recertify. However, if you have questions about recertification, don’t hesitate to contact us at to get your questions answered.

Events Industry Council