MPI Chicago Area Chapter
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April 12, 2023


Celebrate Diversity Month – April 2023

April is Diversity Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the beauty of our unique cultures, backgrounds, and traditions. As a people, we are the intersectionality of race, ethnic origin and color, religion and creed, sexual orientation, age, ability, sizes, and shapes, to name but a few. We originate from a myriad of cultures, steeped in a multitude of belief systems and traditions.    

It is important that we find value in each other’s experiences, differences, and unique characteristics as it enables us to respond with relevance, empathy, and compassion. By celebrating and sharing our authentic selves, we gain a greater appreciation of each other and the diversity that surrounds us. Celebrating diversity not only boosts cultural awareness but most importantly creates spaces of inclusion and fosters belonging where people feel valued. 

An appreciation and respect for differences can make the world a better place for everyone. Here are some ways you can do exactly that:

What You Can Do to Celebrate This Month

  • Support diverse businesses which have been heavily impacted by the pandemic. 
  • Consider visiting or using services from a diverse vendor to show your support for their business.
  • Host a multicultural movie night with your family. There are many great options available for great family time together.
  • Attend a virtual cultural art exhibit. Learn more about other cultures through the lens of fine and contemporary art from museums around the world in the comfort of your own home.
  • Here are 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch (Video)
  • Play music from around the world. Celebrate your friends, family, and colleagues by asking them to share examples of music from their own culture or heritage during your next virtual meeting, coffee chat, or happy hour.
  • Have a discussion with someone from another culture about their cultural values.
  • Explore local ethnic restaurants and try food from a different culture that you’ve never tasted before. 

May 2023
Details coming soon!
Jun 2023
Ravinia Green Country Club

Hello Members & Chapter Leaders, 

Happy Spring and Diversity Month, Chicago Area! Appreciating and respecting our differences, and demonstrating empathy for one another, can truly make the world a better place.

Please join me in congratulating Visit Raleigh – this year’s Hall of Fame Award winner! Visit Raleigh’s partnership and engagement have been instrumental in our recovery over the last several difficult years. We are very grateful for their long-term partnership and all the support they give our chapter. More to come (soon!) on our Hall of Fame Individual Award winner. We hope you can all join us in celebrating Visit Raleigh and all the award nominees and winners on May 17 at Venue West. The Annual Awards Recognition Committee have planned an “Out of this World” event for us that should not be missed. Sponsorship packages are still available!

CALLING ALL CHAPTER LEADERS: April 18 is MPI-CAC Leadership Day, and this virtual event is very special as it is open to all current AND future leaders of the chapter. Please join us for this event at no charge – especially if you want to become more engaged in a leadership role within the chapter.

As always, a sincere and heartfelt appreciation to all our engaged members who work so hard for our chapter. The progress we have made towards full recovery would not be possible without each one of our valued members.

Many thanks,



Join MPI-CAC at our Annual Awards Recognition Celebration at Venue West for an out of this world celebration honoring the brightest stars in the MPI Universe.   

A stellar night to honor the contributions of our chapter’s hardest working volunteers and recognize those who are making an impact on the Meetings and Event industry. Featuring passed hors d'oeuvres, plated dinner menu, open bar, entertainment, networking and unparalleled revelry.

Source: Associations Now
If you need more onsite staff support for an upcoming conference, consider looking to your association members.
(Photo: howtogoto/BIGSTOCK.COM)

Source: Skift Meetings
Technology is always changing, and so are event needs. This report explains how to keep up with and source the right event technology for your needs.
(Photo: on Unsplash)

In his latest article Ted Miller answers questions about the relationship between and the importance of ethics and reputation.

The Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin
Visit Phoenix

Executive Committee Board of Directors  

Heather Brown, CMP, DMCP

Adam Tanguay
Director of Partnership Development

Hilary Saurer

Jessica Lindberg
Director of Holiday Party & Golf Classic

Erika Johnson 
Vice President, Finance
Anna Hess
Director of Leadership Development & Engagement 

Alli Shebek, DMCP
Vice President, Communications

Jamie Sowski
Director of Trivia Night & Annual Awards 

Sara Broderick
Vice President, Education 

Stephanie Swaney
Director of Education Programs

Tanya Mishigan
Vice President, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA)

Katrina Whaley
Director of Membership

Allison Hines
Vice President, Special Events

Barb Balaguras
Director of Educational Events

Heather Warthen
Vice President, Membership

Eneyda Rodriguez
Director of Marketing & Public Relations

Jeanette Kilrea
Immediate Past President

Bunny Raylett Lee
Director of Content