Budget Process Underway in Legislature

The California Legislature is holding Budget Committee hearings to consider Governor Jerry Brown’s 2018-2019 budget proposal. Following are details highlighting some of CLFP’s priorities in the proposed state budget. CLFP will continue to monitor these budget items and keep its members apprised of progress during the budget process.

Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund in the Budget
CLFP is monitoring the budget activity surrounding the Governor’s inclusion of nearly $5 million in his 2018-2019 budget plan to take the initial steps to provide safe drinking water for all Californians. Production agriculture and environmental justice community advocates supported this budget item at the March 14-15 budget hearings.

Many Californians are exposed to unsafe drinking water and some communities are unable to afford the cost of water treatment. As a result, the State Water Resources Control Board is using existing law to issue enforcement actions against farmers due to their use of nitrates leading to the contamination of groundwater in certain areas. The proposed solution is the establishment of a drinking water fund - through a capped fee structure - to assist communities in need of safe drinking water. It also will include a path for farmers to achieve regulatory compliance with the Board, while in the short term protecting farmers from certain nitrate-related enforcement actions.

At this time, the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund in the governor’s budget remains open for discussion and consideration in the Assembly and Senate Budget Committees. If the item is approved in committee, it must obtain a two-thirds vote from each house.

Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan for Agriculture and Food Processors
CLFP supports Governor Brown’s Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan for 2018-2019. The funds include: $102 million for ag diesel engine replacement and upgrades, $99 million to lower manure methane emissions, $34 million for energy efficiency improvements at food processing facilities, and $5 million for the Healthy Soils Program and $4 million for ag renewable energy projects.

By CLFP Director of Government Affairs Trudi Hughes

California League Of Food Producers