Water Conservation Measures

If the drought continues past 2015, there may be increasing pressure on the State Water Board and local municipal water supply agencies to seek greater reductions in water use by the manufacturing sector. CLFP will be tracking this issue closely, but we strongly suggest that members be proactive and stay in front of this issue. You might consider the following:

· If you obtain water from an outside source, meet with your supplier and local government officials to discuss your needs and why water is essential to your operation due to food safety, food quality and sanitation concerns. You should also remind them of the important contribution that you make to the local economy in terms of jobs and business activity. Local officials will certainly be hearing complaints from residential customers whose lawns have died, but they also need to hear from the employers who keep communities economically vibrant.

· Redouble your efforts to measure and monitor your water use so you can document increases in efficiency. You may not want to publicly disclose this information, but if you have achieved significant reductions in water use in recent years it may be critical that these achievements are recognized to avoid or minimize future cutbacks.

· The CLFP Water Use Efficiency Study (available in three parts on the CLFP website, www.clfp.com, under the publications tab) provides suggested water use efficiency metrics as well as a wide range of best management practices that you might consider implementing. If there is sufficient interest, CLFP may conduct a workshop on this topic later this year.

Please contact CLFP at 916-640-8150 is you have questions or if you have any local issues that might require assistance.

California League Of Food Producers